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Aqua deck


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Well i made this deck out of nowhere but i won a couple duels so here yah go..............






spiral sirpent

terrorking salmon




thousand-eyed jellyish

NS aqua dolphin

2-magical reflect slime


nightmare penguin

catapult turttle

phantom dragonray bronto

aquarian allessa

lucky pied piper

oceans keeper

2-warrior of atlantas

levia-dragon daedalus

ocean lord- neo daedalus

zera the mant



double summon

swords of revealing light

magical mallet

soul exchange

card trader


2-poison of the old man

rush recklessly

bubble blaster

zera ritual



trap reclamation

spell reclamation

magic cylinder

2-seven tools of the bandit

3-compulsitory evac. device

des counter blow

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Oh. I just added every number I saw. My bad :oops:


Here are some cards that can help your deck. At least 1 A Legendary Ocean, maybe a Gravity Bind (to go with A Legendary Ocean. Just try it to see if it works), Mother Grizzlies, Tornado Walls (to go with A Legendary Ocean), Salvage, 3 Warriors of Atlantis... those are the only things I can think of at this moment.


I don't know what some of your cards do, but here are some you should take out.


Spiral Serpent

Catapult Turtle

Lucky Pied Piper

Zera and it's ritual


Both Poisons of the of Man

Des Counter Blow

1, if not both of the 7 Tools (replace with Jinzo if you have one, or some other card that negates traps)

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