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Divine Grace - Northwemko

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So when I got back into the game after the longest time, I decided it was time for me to buy new packs. This was my very first pull, but at the time I had no idea what it was useful for and I didn't even have the ritual.


Now I like. Do you?

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I\'ve just read it\'s Ritual Card. It just adds more epic lulz to the indestructibleness of this card.


Ritual of Grace: This card is used to Ritual Summon \"Diving Grace - Northwemko.\" You must also Tribute monster whose total Levels equal 7 or more from the field or your hand. During your main phase, you can remove from play this card form your Graveyard to make 1 face-up Ritual Monster you control become un-targetable by effects this turn.


I love how it can be ANY face up ritual monster you control.


I\'m trying to think of how to build a deck around this.

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I\'ve just read it\'s Ritual Card. It just adds more epic lulz to the indestructibleness of this card.


Ritual of Grace: This card is used to Ritual Summon \"Diving Grace - Northwemko.\" You must also Tribute monster whose total Levels equal 7 or more from the field or your hand. During your main phase' date=' you can remove from play this card form your Graveyard to make 1 face-up Ritual Monster you control become un-targetable by effects this turn.


I love how it can be ANY face up ritual monster you control.


I\'m trying to think of how to build a deck around this.



How often is a card targeted by non-destruction during your own turn? Dimensional, GK Guard and PWWB are all I can think of really, which isn't much.

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Combining this with the Citadel of Endymion seems very fun' date=' so does using this with Field Nukers like Demise or JD, summon them first, then Summon her, target the Nuker, then she can\'t be killed by the Nuking effect >:3,


I love this card XD.


I didn\'t realize she could be used with Endymion! And combine with Defender and that field is going no where.


And the Nuke Northwemko combo is just.... D=

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