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I am loling so hard at this thread.


I remember not all that long ago when everybody was complaining about Monarchs the way they do about BW's and LS's. Then all of a sudden the less then three's died ( <3 for those who didn't get it).


Its sad...

At least they still have some sort of following remaining.

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Let's say this card existed.


Monarch Sacrifice

Quick Spell

Discard 1 monster with "Monarch" in its name. Draw 2 cards.


Then Monarchs will be runnable. Now...? No. Not much drawing power.


This card will be horrid in Monarch decks.



EDIT: Dandy is really bad in Monarchs. I recently started using him and pwning with him and then I realized that you can't tribute the tokens on the turn they are summoned. On the other hand, CyDra won't be that bad. I've seen quite a lot of Spies and Jujus this format. Also Treeborn isn't as good as people say. Last format I he was completely useless, but MOnarch players will probably change their playstyle to use him.

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Let's say this card existed.


Monarch Sacrifice

Quick Spell

Discard 1 monster with "Monarch" in its name. Draw 2 cards.


Then Monarchs will be runnable. Now...? No. Not much drawing power.


Generic Draw. Dekoichi, Reckless Greed, and the like. It speeds em up quite well. They're still slow, but definitely playable.

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They don't have a super broken combo that they need to get as fast as possible. Also even if you draw 20 cards in one turn, you will still have a maximum of one Monarch drop (unless you are bad and run Dual Summon). The only thing that you will gain from your draw engine is easier access to your monarchs so you can drop their number and decrease dead draws.

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they need something more like this...


Discard 1 card. As long as this remains face-up on the field' date=' all Tribute monsters can be Normal Summoned with 1 less Tribute. All monsters Normal Summoned this was are treated as if they were Tribute Summoned. Only this card's controller can use this effect.[/quote']


not sure if that would make a difference but certainly would make a hand of monarchs more useful than waiting for tribute fodder.

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That would be interesting to say the least. It shouldn't be a field' date=' though. One of the general things about fields is that they effect both players.



Interesting? No, that would simply be a costless Mausoleum. Not that Mausoleum is good or anything, but you get the point.

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I was thinking:


Continuous Spell/Trap


Decreases the level of 1 monster in your hand by 2, once per turn.


Requires an activation fee and/or some upkeep. Some LP cost, a discard, or something like that.



Maybe a Continuous Spell Card: "When a card is Tributed for a Tribute Summon, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field with [insert drawback here]."

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I was thinking:


Continuous Spell/Trap


Decreases the level of 1 monster in your hand by 2' date=' once per turn.


Requires an activation fee and/or some upkeep. Some LP cost, a discard, or something like that.



Maybe a Continuous Spell Card: "When a card is Tributed for a Tribute Summon, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field with [insert drawback here']."


The first card you brought up would cause them to be no longer Tribute Summoned, therefore they would not get their effects (Except Kuraz).


The other card to Special Summon the monster you used as the tribute would be neat to abuse Sangan or something lol

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