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Ezio's Unofficial Render Gallery

Ezio - X

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This is where I hold all my renders for people to look and tell me all the flaws.

If you want to use any of the renders, please give credit.


[spoiler=Sword Master] SwordMaster-1.png


[spoiler=Monster Robot] ShopRender001.png


[spoiler=Dare Devil] DareDevil-1.png


[spoiler=Ezio Auditore] EzioRender-1.png


[spoiler=The Joker] TheJoker.png


[spoiler=Dark Dragon Tamer] DarkDragonTamer.png


[spoiler=Evil Gargoyle] 016.png


The Dare Devil render looks bad on white but really good on dark colours, so check it before you rate it.

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