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I love them, heck on random wi-fi I was goofing off, and on turn 1, I got celfon, pulled another celfon, and another, then a scopen, synched into armory arm, activated junk box on scopen in def, sync'd stardust, activated another junk box, got celfon, rolled and pulled another scopen, synch'd for goyo, then I used my 3rd Junk box to get scopen AGAIN, and synch'd into Armory arm again. the opponent surrendered before I could go again.


(though lol the rematch I didn't really care, so I got overload and future fusions, so I sent every machine from my deck to the garve and rfp for overdragon, 12800 ATK, dude was running 55 card deck, I attacked, and hit Mirror Force)

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It's a shame Frogs are cooler' date=' more effective, and can FTK.



I've actually tested against a friend who played Frogs a while back. It was fairly even.


Also, the FTKs are inconsistent and you know it. :P




The Morph swarm direct attack OTK can be rather annoying though. >_>

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I love Morphs. Even since I saw a topic on how to make a deck and made a test build of my own I've seen how great they are. They are over all a great archtype with out any really broken cards.


Yeah, that coupled with a friend of mine taking them to Regionals (as in they were what qualified him to get there and he took them) I've had a special place for them. Now I just need to make them IRL for myself...

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I made it IRL. It's been SO overcentralizing at my school that everyone will focus their attacks on me if it's a 3-5 player game. Also, everyone fears Celfon and just reaches into my bag to pull out my dice when my turns starts since they know I'm about to play it. xD


They also get pissed when I make up random summon chants for Celfon, claiming that they'll never survive a single attack from it every time. xD


Anyways, I've just realized that I STILL haven't given a fully serious try to Equip Morphs, Macro Morphs, ASW Morphs, Stall Morphs or Map Morphs...


*runs to the "Your Deck" section*

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Never heard of Macro Morphs... my friend got to regionals with Map OTK Morphs using Stumble (and maybe Labyrinth of Nightmares)


When I posted a Morphtronic Contest, saying to add something new to Morphs, someone posted Macro Morphs. The idea seems interesting enough and could potentially be fairly speedy.

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Morphs were the first deck i built when i started playing at my local store again a few months ago. It was fun.


One of the better qualities of morphs for the Real life aspect is that they are cheap to build, being that they are all Commons and Rares.(minus the Cyber cards and Power Tool)


I've done Morph OTK, Equip, and tried Stall, but stall was too situational.

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