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I'm such a noob at this game, it isnt even funny. [Slifer the Sky Dragon]

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WARNING: This is like Pojo, only 500% more retarded, and shows how bad people are at this game.

[spoiler=Prepare to say "tl;dr" and "cool story bro".]

Me vs some noob guy who ive dubbed as "Izanami"


Izanami: I play Dark Warlock

Me: Non-existant

Izanami: Its Dark Eradicator Warlock

Me: It has a summon condition

*argues for a few minutes*

Izanami: o it does



We duel. Prepare to laugh and post various lolycm images


Izanami: I Sumin Magishin of Faith

Me: Face-up?

Izanami: yes

Me: You wasted it, its a FLIP Effect

Izanami: Fine i send a card to my grave to add it to my hand

Izanami: I send magician and 1 card from my hand to sumn sr

Izanami: Slifer the Sky Dragon

Izanami: its uneffected by spell and trap

*argueing between Arma and Izanami*

Me: I use Paintfull Choice

*obveious chais of events*

Me: I Summon Chaos Emperor Dragon, and use its effect

Me: You take somewhere around 3000 damage(forgot)

Me: I then Summon Yata Garasu, attack Slifer(it has 0 ATK) and I win

Izanami: I equip ritural weapon

Izanami: it lets me draw 3


By this point, I dont know weither to facepalm, die of laughter, or get shot at how stupid I am for dueling someone over ROBLOX. Its sad.


Me: Doesnt matter. Chaos Emperor sent all your cards to the Graveyard

Izanami: I still have Slifer it has 3000 ATK. you lost.

Me: No, it has 0. Chaos Emperor sent ALL OF YOUR CARDS(except Slifer, appearently it has the anime effect. Or something. I really dont know, I just went along with it)

Me: Your hand has 0 cards, your field just has a slifer in it with 0 ATK.

Yata-Garasu attacked Slifer, destroyed it, and you lose via Yata-Lock

Izanami: no u lost u had no cards in ur hand


........I eventually just said "Screw this" and hit "Exit".

Now the idiot thinks spamming all over the group wall "ARM IZ A TERBLE PLYER DONT DOOL HIM U GET IN2 ARGUMENT" makes him a "good" player.


Seriously, is excepting defeat THAT bad?


[spoiler=Take your pick, on choice of lolycm-esque images]

Just right click, and copy the URL





I'm too lazy to post the rest



Morale of the story: Dont duel 8 year olds on an online building game, who "think" they know how to play. Especially if they run a random/"IM YUGI LOLOLOLOL" deck.


More importantly, lets discuss the key-card in today's horrendous failure:



Seriously, even I laugh at how bad that was.

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Fail duelist is fail.


Good card til Konami nerfs it.


Konami only really needs to change the auto 2000 attack to maybe 1500 (or Level 1-3 monsters only) something like that.


Out of all 3 God Cards, Slifers effects are the most straight forward compared to the other 2. Perhaps this might be reason enough Konami might not have to nerf it so much.

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Fail duelist is fail.

I loled. Hard. xD

People actually read that. Wow XD


But seriously' date=' It was [i']SUCH[/i] a disaster.


Looking back on it now, I even find it funny how ridiculous it was.

(Yes, laughing at me self at this point is appearently funny. Nice)

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...Don't duel anyone on there again. o.o


Anyways, Slifer's broken because it auto-kills stuff with less than 2000 ATK or DEF. Only big beaters that Special Summon themselves, like JD, can survive that.


I hope they don't nerf it too bad. I want to use it and tick people off... I'll even add Burden if I need to. :S

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...Don't duel anyone on there again. o.o


Anyways' date=' Slifer's broken because it auto-kills stuff with less than 2000 [b']ATK or DEF[/b]. Only big beaters that Special Summon themselves, like JD, can survive that.


I hope they don't nerf it too bad. I want to use it and tick people off... I'll even add Burden if I need to. :S


you know, they might remove the destroy part of that effect to "balance" it.

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you know' date=' they are going to have to try really hard to nerf slifer.[/quote']

They will probobly make the "kill anything 2k or less" only work on monster that were Special Summoned". Just to make it situatonal?


And they should at least keep the "gains 1k for each card in your hand" part.


...Don't duel anyone on there again. o.o

I do it on purpose.




From what I saw with my brother playing it' date=' a boring game involving blocks... IN 3D!!!!!!

Your a lego-esque dude, who gets to roam around in user-created areas, and do "stuff".

Usually I just do things people DONT want me to do, and just cause chaos/annoy people.

Oh how I <3 doing that.

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Slifer The Sky Dragon




This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by tributing 3 monsters you control. Spell and Trap cards can not be chained to the summon of this monster. If this monster is Special Summoned send it to the Graveyard during the End Phase. While in Attack Position, this cards ATK is equal to the number of cards in your hand x800. While in Face-Up Defense Position this card's DEF is equal to the number of cards in your hand x1000. If your opponent Normal Summons a level 4 or lower monster with 1000 or less ATK destroy it during the End Phase of your turn.


I'm banking on this^

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The Lol omg Volcano was epic.

My friend is collecting all the offical god cards. Im hopeing they don't fck up slifer like they did with ra.


It will probably will be similar or reversed effect to The Wicked Eraser, but can be Special Summoned as well.


I'm collecting the God Cards as well I got all 3 sets of the original English cards. As well as 3 legal Obelisk. It was a real pain, find the orignal in English, so many fake sets floating around on ebay.

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Slifer The Sky Dragon




This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by tributing 3 monsters you control. Spell and Trap cards can not be chained to the summon of this monster. If this monster is Special Summoned send it to the Graveyard during the End Phase. While in Attack Position' date=' this cards ATK is equal to the number of cards in your hand x800. While in Face-Up Defense Position this card's DEF is equal to the number of cards in your hand x1000. If your opponent Normal Summons a level 4 or lower monster with 1000 or less ATK destroy it during the End Phase of your turn.


I'm banking on this^


Horribly underpowered.

The Lol omg Volcano was epic.

My friend is collecting all the offical god cards. Im hopeing they don't fck up slifer like they did with ra.


It will probably will be similar or reversed effect to The Wicked Eraser' date=' but can be Special Summoned as well.


I'm collecting the God Cards as well I got all 3 sets of the original English cards. As well as 3 legal Obelisk. It was a real pain, find the orignal in English, so many fake sets floating around on ebay.



They're probably going to keep it the same except make it once per turn.

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