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Konami should print Morokoshiina in english. Liek srsly...

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Dandylion is @2, and this(which is @3) is epic.


Once per turn' date=' during your Main Phase 2 you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Grain Corn Token" (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0).[/quote'][/align]

The English name obveiously isnt "Corn-guy"

Both this and Dandylion are usable with Debris Dragon

So aside from this Special Summoning a token during Mainphase 2, the effect seems like fun.


Srsly, Konami should release this in English already.



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If Debris is still on the field' date=' Dandy's effect won't activate...


Dandylion activates in the Graveyard.


Also' date=' I wonder what else can we use this for.


Thing is, I'm not really sure :/


.......Lonefire spam maybe?

More negate for Tytannial?

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When a monster like "Exiled Force" is Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon"/"Black Salvo"/etc' date=' if you activate the effect of "Exiled Force", then the effect will still be negated since it activated on the field, even though "Exiled Force" is no longer on the field.[4']




This also goes into the same catagory as Revived King Ha Des.


Ok, I'm wrong, but people were trying to say that Rescue Cat works when summoned by Debris a while back...

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When a monster like "Exiled Force" is Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon"/"Black Salvo"/etc' date=' if you activate the effect of "Exiled Force", then the effect will still be negated since it activated on the field, even though "Exiled Force" is no longer on the field.[4']




This also goes into the same catagory as Revived King Ha Des.


Ok, I'm wrong, but people were trying to say that Rescue Cat works when summoned by Debris a while back...


Once again, the wikia implodes from its failure.

Cards like Rescue Cat/Exiled Force have costs that send themselves to the Graveyard. The effect resolves in the Graveyard.

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When a monster like "Exiled Force" is Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon"/"Black Salvo"/etc' date=' if you activate the effect of "Exiled Force", then the effect will still be negated since it activated on the field, even though "Exiled Force" is no longer on the field.[4']




This also goes into the same catagory as Revived King Ha Des.


Ok, I'm wrong, but people were trying to say that Rescue Cat works when summoned by Debris a while back...


Once again, the wikia implodes from its failure.

Cards like Rescue Cat/Exiled Force have costs that send themselves to the Graveyard. The effect resolves in the Graveyard.


It resolves in the Graveyard sure, but that's not out of Debris Dragon's reach. If the card negated by Debris Dragon, Forbidden Chalice, etc uses itself as a cost for its effect, the effect is still negated. The only special case is Skill Drain, since that only affects cards effects that resolve while they are face-up on the field. Everything else does not follow the same rules as Skill Drain. Only cards that summoned by Debris Dragon, etc that ACTIVATE in the graveyard will still work. Ones that activate on the field and resolve in the Graveyard will not.


Dandylion's effect works because it both activates and resolves in the Graveyard.

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