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Deck Leaders... wtf?

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Once you take your Deck Master out' date=' you can't send him back. From what i remember from the anime, im probs wrong.



^This is correct. Deck Master is for keeps, you can tribute it, but the new monster summoned will become your new DM.

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Guest JoshIcy

Once you take your Deck Master out' date=' you can't send him back. From what i remember from the anime, im probs wrong.



^This is correct. Deck Master is for keeps, you can tribute it, but the new monster summoned will become your new DM.


Ok... So I choose my Deck Master to be some unorthodox monster that beefs up the summoning condition of my monsters and SS it to the field. Tribute it for a monster thats crazy hard to summon and double attack for a win. (And due to the current field clearing power that isn't hard to do under YOUR Deck Master system).


Yeah... No practical at all and would change way too much =/ (the anime based version).

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Plasma would be a permanant Skill Drain, the ultimate anti-meta card, and would have some form of instant-win deck or something that doesn't rely on monsters, Jinzo users would have no Traps in their deck, and Spell Canceller users would have no Spells in their deck.

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Once you take your Deck Master out' date=' you can't send him back. From what i remember from the anime, im probs wrong.



^This is correct. Deck Master is for keeps, you can tribute it, but the new monster summoned will become your new DM.


Ok... So I choose my Deck Master to be some unorthodox monster that beefs up the summoning condition of my monsters and SS it to the field. Tribute it for a monster thats crazy hard to summon and double attack for a win. (And due to the current field clearing power that isn't hard to do under YOUR Deck Master system).


The Deck Master can be tribute fodder just like any other monster, would you want to use your deck master as tribute fodder to bring out another more powerful monster quicker? Sure if it helps you win, but there is something that keeps the player in check of doing such a thing and that is the instant lose vulnerability that is now set upon you by taking such an action.


Yeah... No practical at all and would change way too much =/ (the anime based version). More practical than he who favors duels continuing when a player(s) are already at 0 Life Points. Now that's a bigger change for the worse.


Deck Master can = Quicker Tribute Summon (among other things) BUT the Tribute Monster can now instantly lose you the game if your not careful. WORTH IT or NOT WORTH IT, that's the players call to make alone.

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