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1000 Posts Thread, Tribe Infecting Virus [Disc]

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Alright.. I know there isn't a custom here but on other forums I visit people make threads for each 1000 posts they have.


This is the first account on any forum which I have ever made 1000 posts on. I suppose this is attributable to how active certain sections of this forum are and how easy it is to get involved.


I'd like to thank all the regulars of TCG and the Deck section for being smart, creative, funny, sometimes stupid, and often crazy. You all know who you are.


That being said, discuss the position of Tribe Infecting Virus on the banlist.



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Pretty sure we had a discussion of this not too long ago, but i'm not too bothered to check.


Either way, its a Super Snipe Hunter with a 100% chance instead of 66%, and can destroy multiple monsters instead of just one, and Snipe Hunter is already at 1.


Tribe Infecting Virus can stay locked up, never to return.


You can't compare this card to Lightning Vortex, a person can lightning vortex your field, yet they can special summon a card once you try to attack. There's no using your Lightning Vortex again, but you can still use your TIV to remove whatever they summoned to protect themselves.


inb4 someone tries to justify TIV by mentioning its different than Snipe Hunter since it can destroy spells/traps, and this is limited to monsters

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It also takes a normal summon and is rarely more then a +0' date=' unless your opponent hugely overextends.


And arguing against punishing overextension is different ;)



Still, i would just leave it banned, the less broken cards the better.

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*ignores everything posted so far, because he is too lazy to read*


A Lightning Vortex that is not guaranteed to destroy everything, can destroy your own monsters and wastes a normal summon. It's body doesn't change anything, because 1600 ATK means that it won't stay out for a long time, WATER was only good last format and Aqua ... 'nuff said.


Should be unlimited on every list that is not retarded enough to ban Lightning Vortex.

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Isnt this card effectivly the same as Snipe Hunter?

Sniper Hunter is DARK and searchable, but tends to require more cards.

Tribe Infect is WATER, isnt searchable, but can destroy more with 1 card.

Tribe Infect can also end up killing itself.

(by "searchable", I mean able to be searched via Sangan/Mystic Tomato/Mother Grizzly)


Alright.. I know there isn't a custom here but on other forums I visit people make threads for each 1000 posts they have.

Like when you acieve 9000 posts' date=' you make a topic about Shapesnatch =D


Should be unlimited on every list that is not retarded enough to ban Lightning Vortex.

That would be pretty funny XD

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This is literally savage against Blackwings.


But to continue your discussion about this vs Lightning Vortex.


It's simply better. 1600 ATK is not much, but it's something! Also, imagine this situation:


Your opponent has 2 face up monsters and 1 face down monster. The 2 face up monsters share the same Type.


What would you do with Lightning Vortex: discard 1 card, kill 2 monsters.

What would you do with TIV: discard 1 card, kill 2 monsters. Then, attack the face down, suppose it has 1500 def. The face down is dead. Either that, or the face down is not killed, and you will simply discard 1 card to kill it later on, in main phase 2. And at the end of the turn, you'll still have an 1600 ATK monster on the field.


As for it being Aqua: it is Aqua because Aqua sucks and your opponent wouldn't control anything Aqua, so that there is no chance for this monster to commit suicide.

As for it being WATER: yeah, that simply sucks.

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*ignores everything posted so far' date=' because he is too lazy to read*


A Lightning Vortex that is not guaranteed to destroy everything, can destroy your own monsters and wastes a normal summon. It's [i']body[/i] doesn't change anything, because 1600 ATK means that it won't stay out for a long time, WATER was only good last format and Aqua ... 'nuff said.


Should be unlimited on every list that is not retarded enough to ban Lightning Vortex.


Why is Lightning Vortex untouchable? Having more than 3 monsters out at any time isn't necessarily a crime just because the cards involved in the typical means of getting more than 3 monsters out in the current game happen to be somewhat questionable. Oh, and that's just card advantage. Summoning conditions and the ease in which monsters are removed these days are disproportionate beyond all recognition.


Oh, and I like how you're using "WATER and Aqua-Type Decks aren't that strong guys" as an argument for unlimiting this.

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It also takes a normal summon and is rarely more then a +0' date=' unless your opponent hugely overextends.


And arguing against punishing overextension is different ;)


Tribe does one of two things.

1) Makes every card in your hand a Smashig Ground or the like

2) A type specific Lighting Vortex that has no real limit to it's use and comes at less of a cost (LV is a -2 not counting the opponent's monsters, this is a -1).


Other things that set this apart from LV is it is much easier to reuse to reuse and can swing for 1/5 your opponent's life point.


Also this alone kills all decks that are type specific or run a lot of monsters of the same type making it even worse for the game.

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