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the anime team tourney style. no, seriously [DISC]

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Also - is it a max of 3 of the same card combined? If not' date=' I'm sure some cards become hella-abusable @9.


Lol. Skull Servant deck with

9 Skull Servants

9 Lady in Wights

9 King of Skull Servants....

King of Skull could have 26000 attack points....




I really want to look over this style of play (with the nomral limit for the combined decks) It forces you to think differently and makes for new interesting team play. I'm gonna propose to try this out sometime at school.

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New spin to this tournament style play. Duelist sign up individually as if they would have for a regular single tournament. Teams would then be randomly selected. It's up to the newly selected team to weed through there combined decks to avoid overlapping cards so they don't break the rule of 3/restricted list. This will prevent/limit synchronize decks. It will be up to the team to agree on cards they want, this would make things interesting because you might have a teammate that does not want to give up a JD, so somebody else on the team is going to have to compromise and re-adjust accordingly.

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The only way to make it fair with special win conditions like Exodia would be to only allow only one win only with that win condition during the series of duels.


Though I could see people holding off using Exodia's effect by not telling their opponent they have Exodia (say your opponent is low on LP and you have a full Exodia in your hand. You decide not to declare Exodia (they can't see your hand anyway), then you win by knocking their LP to 0 bringing in your next opponent. Then during your next draw phase, you pretend the card you drew was the last Exodia piece for example.)


Sure it would be cheating, but if no one's monitoring that situation, who would know? :3c

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This tournament style would be 3 players per team,


120 card minimum, 180 card maximum


also 8000 Life Points a piece (24000 total).


If you get paired up with teammates that have virtually identical decks, you better get a backup deck before tournament play.


If you break the rule of 3 / restricted list, the entire team is DQ'ed.


When a player's life points are reduced to 0, the next player takes over and replaces the extra and main deck, cards in graveyard and removed from play and on the field stay put.


New player then draws 6 new cards.


Duel continues. with opponent's current LPs against teammates fresh 8000 LPs.



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Also - is it a max of 3 of the same card combined? If not' date=' I'm sure some cards become hella-abusable @9.


Lol. Skull Servant deck with

9 Skull Servants

9 Lady in Wights

9 King of Skull Servants....

King of Skull could have 26000 attack points....




I really want to look over this style of play (with the nomral limit for the combined decks) It forces you to think differently and makes for new interesting team play. I'm gonna propose to try this out sometime at school.


It would require plenty of skill and team work. Would be a nice idea. King of Skull Servants at 26000 would be so awesome.

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Me and my friends often do free-for-all duels. Meaning more than 2 peoples with no teams. Anyway, I'm got 12 peoples and am going to use this playstyle this weekend. Going to put 12 pieces of paper into a hat or something with 3 pieces numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 to decide teams. It's going to be a weird and fun duel since it will be like this.


Team1 vs Team2 vs Team3 vs Team4 all going at once. When one of them drops to 0 or loses, one of their partners will step in.

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It Allows for MOST WEIRD DECKS EVER to be played.


My Idea:

1 Player: Twilight Deck with Final Countdown Sheananigans FTW....

This deck will server mayorly for setup and the batton pass condition will be lose by deck out...leavuing your entire deck in the graveyard for the next player....

2 Player: Chaos Teledad...with the Graveyard Setup provided by the former deck this can drop up by stuff quickly...and finally

3 Player: Zombie World....So you can easily abuse ALL THE GRAVEYARD SETUP LEFT BEHIND BY OTHER DECKS....


like OMG

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My team would consist of:


Guy 1: Deck that uses Magical Merchant to send 3 AAs to the Graveyard.

Guy 2: Deck that focuses on destroying/negating the opponent's cards

Guy 3: Battery Charger -> Inferno Reckless Summon -> Short Circuit with a field of 5, 5000ATK, Batteryman AAs.


Because I'm such a pro at this game.

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This tournament style would be 3 players per team' date='


120 card minimum, 180 card maximum


also 8000 Life Points a piece (24000 total).


If you get paired up with teammates that have virtually identical decks, you better get a backup deck before tournament play.


[b']If you break the rule of 3 / restricted list, the entire team is DQ'ed.[/b]


When a player's life points are reduced to 0, the next player takes over and replaces the extra and main deck, cards in graveyard and removed from play and on the field stay put.


New player then draws 6 new cards.


Duel continues. with opponent's current LPs against teammates fresh 8000 LPs.



I don't like that rule it should rather be that only 3 of the same card can only be on the field + following restriction rule makes it fair on both players so out of a team with 3 mirrior forces if theirs a face down mirror force and a mirror force in the new memebers hand they can't set that mirror force until the one on the field is gone.

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....Wait, if each team has to abide by the current list, as to say, each player's deck is part of the same deck, doesnt that kinda' kill off almost any possible Consistantcy?


Lets say my deck runs 3 Polymerization, 3 Miracle Fusion, 3 Super Fusion, 3 Dark Fusion, 3 Dark Calling, Future Fusion, and 3 Neo Space.

I lose, and then Kingdom Neos is up next with his E-Hero deck.


Good game.

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It Allows for MOST WEIRD DECKS EVER to be played.


My Idea:

1 Player: Twilight Deck with Final Countdown Sheananigans FTW....

This deck will server mayorly for setup and the batton pass condition will be lose by deck out...leavuing your entire deck in the graveyard for the next player....

2 Player: Chaos Teledad...with the Graveyard Setup provided by the former deck this can drop up by stuff quickly...and finally

3 Player: Zombie World....So you can easily abuse ALL THE GRAVEYARD SETUP LEFT BEHIND BY OTHER DECKS....


like OMG


again, asuming that graves carry over.

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Personally, I think the following:

1. If a person would lose in the middle of the stack, the stack finishes, then the next player is brought up (shown when Andore used Speed World 2's effect to deal 800 damage but Aki paid her 800 for Wicked Rebirth without Yusei (the next person) taking the damage.

2. Only fields carry over. Nothing else does (except for Speed Counters).

3. The new player draws a full new hand.

4. Victory conditions trigger once, causing only the loss of the current opponent. A duelist's Exodia the Forbidden One only activates its win effect once and doesn't activate for the rest of that duelist's duel, Vennominaga gets her Hyper-Venom Counters removed every time a new opponent is introduced, including after defeating one with her ability (or her win ability could just stop working altogether, but that wouldn't be as much fun. Who uses her victory condition anyway?), Final Countdown just stops counting, Destiny Board doesn't activate anymore, etc.


As for how the decks should work out, I think:

1. There can only be 3 (or 2) of any unlimited or semi-limited card among all 3 decks. This will help make sure that the decks are different types, or at least more varied.

2. Many limited cards (mostly the less generic and more themed ones) will only be allowed at 1 throughout all 3 decks.

3. To cure some of the problems, another list is created: a list I call the restrictive list. It allows for certain limited cards to be run at up to 3, but only 1 can be played in each player's deck. These cards would include Mirror Force, Heavy Storm, and probably many other non-themed staples.

4. Theoretically, a list that only allows up to 2 of certain limited cards, up to 1 in up to 2 player's decks, but I doubt such a list would be really needed, and so I didn't give it a name.


Those are the rules I would try for this type of dueling. Tell me if you see problems, and, if you actually like this idea, what the restrictive list would consist of and what the meta combination might be like.

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Personally' date=' I think the following:

1. If a person would lose in the middle of the stack, the stack finishes, then the next player is brought up (shown when Andore used Speed World 2's effect to deal 800 damage but Aki paid her 800 for Wicked Rebirth without Yusei (the next person) taking the damage.

2. Only fields carry over. Nothing else does (except for Speed Counters).

3. The new player draws a full new hand.

4. Victory conditions trigger once, causing only the loss of the current opponent. A duelist's Exodia the Forbidden One only activates its win effect once and doesn't activate for the rest of that duelist's duel, Vennominaga gets her Hyper-Venom Counters removed every time a new opponent is introduced, including after defeating one with her ability (or her win ability could just stop working altogether, but that wouldn't be as much fun. Who uses her victory condition anyway?), Final Countdown just stops counting, Destiny Board doesn't activate anymore, etc.


As for how the decks should work out, I think:

1. There can only be 3 (or 2) of any unlimited or semi-limited card among all 3 decks. This will help make sure that the decks are different types, or at least more varied.

2. Many limited cards (mostly the less generic and more themed ones) will only be allowed at 1 throughout all 3 decks.

3. To cure some of the problems, another list is created: a list I call the restrictive list. It allows for certain limited cards to be run at up to 3, but only 1 can be played in each player's deck. These cards would include Mirror Force, Heavy Storm, and probably many other non-themed staples.

4. Theoretically, a list that only allows up to 2 of certain limited cards, up to 1 in up to 2 player's decks, but I doubt such a list would be really needed, and so I didn't give it a name.


Those are the rules I would try for this type of dueling. Tell me if you see problems, and, if you actually like this idea, what the restrictive list would consist of and what the meta combination might be like.



I think an easier way to fix most of the problems is that the onlt thing that carries over are the 11 card slots, and that's it.

no grave and no rfp.


that would fix most things, though it would kill a lot of the whole teamwork thing.

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Personally' date=' I think the following:

1. If a person would lose in the middle of the stack, the stack finishes, then the next player is brought up (shown when Andore used Speed World 2's effect to deal 800 damage but Aki paid her 800 for Wicked Rebirth without Yusei (the next person) taking the damage.

[b']2. Only fields carry over. Nothing else does (except for Speed Counters).[/b]

3. The new player draws a full new hand.

4. Victory conditions trigger once, causing only the loss of the current opponent. A duelist's Exodia the Forbidden One only activates its win effect once and doesn't activate for the rest of that duelist's duel, Vennominaga gets her Hyper-Venom Counters removed every time a new opponent is introduced, including after defeating one with her ability (or her win ability could just stop working altogether, but that wouldn't be as much fun. Who uses her victory condition anyway?), Final Countdown just stops counting, Destiny Board doesn't activate anymore, etc.


As for how the decks should work out, I think:

1. There can only be 3 (or 2) of any unlimited or semi-limited card among all 3 decks. This will help make sure that the decks are different types, or at least more varied.

2. Many limited cards (mostly the less generic and more themed ones) will only be allowed at 1 throughout all 3 decks.

3. To cure some of the problems, another list is created: a list I call the restrictive list. It allows for certain limited cards to be run at up to 3, but only 1 can be played in each player's deck. These cards would include Mirror Force, Heavy Storm, and probably many other non-themed staples.

4. Theoretically, a list that only allows up to 2 of certain limited cards, up to 1 in up to 2 player's decks, but I doubt such a list would be really needed, and so I didn't give it a name.


Those are the rules I would try for this type of dueling. Tell me if you see problems, and, if you actually like this idea, what the restrictive list would consist of and what the meta combination might be like.


I think an easier way to fix most of the problems is that the onlt thing that carries over are the 11 card slots, and that's it.

no grave and no rfp.


that would fix most things, though it would kill a lot of the whole teamwork thing.


I wrote that one. Read #2 of the first part. The other parts of that section were either observations or (in the case of #4) an answer to the instant win question.

I was suggesting the deck rules just to be sure not all the decks would be the same, which could eliminate a few other problems.

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