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happygosplat (3/10) VS Septhiroth_The_Legend (7/10)


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You must state the number of votes you get. If 5, Sephiroth wins, because I'm giving him the vote.


The first card's OCG is off the limits, and to add its effect isn't much good, as revival is hard to do, and tributing that is...simply...you know, bad.


On the other hand, Sephiroth's card can, of course, have a deadly Plaguespreading Parade, but it is nonetheless what Zombies need in my opinion.

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why can't anyone spell my name right......


happy' date=' change the title please..... spell my correctly... thanks....




Hey where's my love?

I like Sephiroth's effect better, puts up a pretty good defense as long as you can keep your Tyranno in Attack Position. So...if you need more than 5, consider mine the sixth. =D

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well i guess its 10 then.



why can't anyone spell my name right......


happy' date=' change the title please..... spell my correctly... thanks....




Hey where's my love?

I like Sephiroth's effect better, puts up a pretty good defense as long as you can keep your Tyranno in Attack Position. So...if you need more than 5, consider mine the sixth. =D


ah ok, here's some love


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