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Yu-Gi-Oh! Remnants. [Started/Accepting VIA PM/PG-13/ADV]

Welche the crab

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Guest Welche

"I guess I will go first," said Welche, "I draw. I think I will activate Blaze Accelerator then set 1 monster and 1 card and end my turn." Welche was confident of his move, but he knew that Herit was never to be underestimated. Many a time had a duelist not scene the true power of Yubel, thinking it was weak just because it had no attack.


OoC: Mr WHAM is now a member.

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"Pitiful. I draw! I play Chaos-End Master [ATK 1500] in attack mode! Go, attack his face down!" Chaos-End Master was a powerful card and extremely useful when it came to summoning Yubel. He had a plan to destroy Yubel very soon after that summon, but that could wait. For now, Welche's destruction must continue. Welche seemed confident, but Herit had never lost.

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Guest Welche

"Hmm. It seems you have destroyed my UFO Turtle. You know what that means. I get another monster, and the one I pick is non other then Solar Flare Dragon [1500 ATK]. Also, I activate my Gravity Bind. So if you plan on attacking it with your Yubel, too bad." Said Welche. He knew that destroying Yubel would be hard, but also that Herit would not care if Yubel was destroyed because he would just upgrade.

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"The effect of my Chaos-End Master activates! Now I can Special Summon Yubel! I set two cards and Tribute Chaos-End Master to keep Yubel around for another turn. Your move!" Herit's move was defensive. He was preparing to clear the path for a more powerful monster. One that Welche would remember for as long as he lived. Few people had survived the wrath of Herit's Ultimate monster

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Zonixs would have smiled but the duel was screwing with his head. Yubel? He knew a yubel but not that one. He watched from not too far away as his decks glowed in his pockets and his card collection glowed in his bag. He didn't wish to make a scene so he silently watched, sheathing his sword and strapping the Obliterator to his back. He remebered seeing the Cyber End Dragon and now this. He sighed since the portal incident he'd have to do what he must to survive. The Red Doctor Huffed along his back as did Obelisk and Phoenix Gearfreid. He felt them calling his name, through the the portal. He speed down his car to a secluded section and went by the portal where Obelisk, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Pheonix Gearfried were waiting for him. Red-Eyes and Obelisk passed through with no problem but Gearfried remained behind. He would have to join them later. Zonixs could see the Zombies and Dragons on the otherside waving them good-bye. The two giants waited with him as he sat and wached the duel continue from high on Obelisk's shoulder. "Man, this is wierd without using the Puzzle..." he commented as he reached his hand into his bag and handle his most important secret.

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Guest Welche

"Well then I draw" said Welche, surveying the 4 cards in his hand, " I summon another Solar Flare Dragon [1500], set one card and end my turn. That is, after you take 1000 damage from my Solar flare dragons. And don't even try to attack. These two beauties create an attack lock that stops you from doing attacking me. Your doomed."

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"Not quite." said Herit. "You see, I know of that attack loop, and so I set my little trap card here. Reveal! Torrential Tribute! This card activated when you summoned Solar Flare Dragon! Now it destroys all monsters on the field. And that leaves you defenceless, but I still have my Yubel. Actually no, I don't have Yubel, I have something better! Go! Yubel Terror Incarnate!" Yubel vanished, and in her place was a fearsome creature. "You don't stand a ghost of a chance!"

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Heero was studying, analyzing, Herit's every move. When Yubel came out to play, Heero knew that his deck may not be enough to win. But...he had to try. This wasn't going to be easy...but that was of no importance. If this Welche person failed, it was going to be survival. Instinct. He wouldn't be shown mercy, nor would he show it. Heero stayed calm. "If I learn this Herit's technique, it won't be impossible for me to win...I believe in myself..."



OoC: Got to go, be back later.

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Guest Welche

"Defenseless?" said Welche in mocking voice, " If I'm defenseless, then I guess you should make your move. At least, after I set these two other cards." Welche now had three face-downs and Gravity Bind. He was looking confident even though he had no monsters. It was obvious that the face-downs would be used to block anything Herit could throw at him.

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"I draw! [4 cards in hand, 1 face down, three in graveyard, 1 on field] Now I play Limit Reverse! Now I can Special Summon Yubel from the Graveyard. I think I'll switch it to defence position." Yubel crouched down and shattered. "Ah yes, the slight problem with Limiter Reverse. My Yubel is destroyed. But guess who gets to come out to replace her? That's right! Another Yubel terror Incarnate. Better do something fast!"

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"Wow she is good. Too bad he doesn't have Prime," Zonixs commented from his high view. He saw someone studying the move's with and intense look on their face. He Smiled as he had Obelisk put him into the car. He drove over to the two duelists and made his acquaintance with them both. Obelisk followed as well as the Red Doctor. "Well, welll Yubel Terror Incarnate...nice. But you should bring her out faster as in during the Endphase. And you you can destroy her strategy completely by Karma cutting this and her last form.That Gravity bind will help though. By the way, I'm Zonixs Truchen."

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Guest Welche

"You think I am scared of your monsters? Monsters are powerful, but you need to trust your traps. And beware of mine. Thats all I have too say, so you can keep going with your turn." Welche was sure that Herit would try to stop him, no duelist would underestimate a full Spell and Trap card zone. In fact, Welche's traps were indispensable and he would lose if Herit got rid of them.

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"Now I set two more cards and end my turn! But first, I have bad new for you. You're about to meet my most powerful monsters! You see, during my end phase, Each of my Yubel Terror Incarnates destroy every other monster on the field, and that includes each other. Now their effects activate! Come forth, Yubel Ultimate Nightmare! You will not beat my monster. It is more powerful then you can imagine."

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Guest Welche

"I don't think so. Remember Blaze? Well its about to come in handy. I use its effect to Send my Volcanic Scattershot to the graveyard to destroy everything you have. Also, they don't won't to leave without a fight. No. Each one I send inflicts 500 points of damage to you and with its effect, I can send three to destroy everything you control. Thats 1500 damage and you lose your Ultimate Nightmare. Anything to say?"

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"Yes, yes I do. I play Dark Illusion and negate volcanic Scattershots effect!" Herit was no novice when it came to duelling. He knew Blaze accelerator would be used, and he had been ready for that. He still had one more face down to protect himself, but after that, things could get rough. "Anything to say to me, punk?"

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Guest Welche

"Yes. The Scattershots are still mad, and they will still take a chunk of you Life points" The small creatures came out and shot straight towards Herit. "I may not have a Blaze, but your down some Life Points." This turn made Welche feel good. And he would feel even better if he drew the right card next. "Your move. I hope you make it count."

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OoC: Back


IC: Heero knew that Herit was no normal duelist. He didn't even seem human...Heero knew this could be trouble. He realized he was going to have to give it his all, and then some...but how? How do you beat someone who rules over the spirits themselves? Heero was a great analyst at times, but he saw no break or anything in Herit's plan. "No one is perfect. There has to be a way through..." Heero kept telling himself. "There HAS to be a weakness...if I could just exploit it..."

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Ooc- Sorry I was gone- Had to get computer fixed.


"Now, Dragunity Knight- Trident! Attack Terrorking Archfiend directly!" Erik shouted. "Noo..." Terrorking Archfiend dissolved into smoke. Erik almost collasped. This spirit had been tougher than the last one. If this kept going... no one would be able to stop the duel spirits. Erik saw the boy from before and shambled over to him. He had thought that monster would have destoyed the boy but it seemed like he had escaped. "Hey! Yeah you." He shouted at the guy. "You've got to get out of here. There's Level 10 Monster spirits around!"

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Zonixs heard the boy shouting despite knowing it was not directed at him. "I've got to find away of better storing my cars around town," he said to Obelisk. The Egyptian God gave out a laugh as he walked alongside Zonixs. He drive away towards the sound and looked at the boy. He didn't resemble anyone familiar so he asked who he was. As Zonixs waited for answer, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon joined them. He waited patiently to see what this person(Erik) would say to him.

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Yes you, (Zonixs), I'm talking to you." Erik said. "We should get out of here as soon as possible. By the way, my name is Erik Wakefie-" KABOOM! Suddenly an explosion blew Erik off his feet. After painfully hitting his head on the stone parkwalk, he turned over and saw a creature looming over him. It was Sphinx Teleia, a Level 10 monster! And right behind Teleia was Andro Sphinx. Erik looked at the guy next to him. He looked like a strong duelist. "We can take them together." He said. "You want to?"

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"They can do it for us," Zonixs said as both Obelisk and Red-Eyes Darkness metal Dragon Attacked Andro Sphinx and Teleia respectively, destroying them. "I am Zonixs Truchen and these are my friends and duels spirits Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor. Now if it is a duel you want then that I may be able to help you with. I do use rather large decks because of my love of monsters. But thT'S ONLY IF YOU WANT TOO?" Zonixs said with what could be interpreted as a smile. His caramel face was shining and semi-burning in the sun as he felt the heat of the day.

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"Woah," Erik said in wonder as the two Monster Spirits tore the Sphinxes apart. Then he heard Zonixs saw something along the lines of a duel. The situation completely forgotten, Erik grinned and raised his duel disk. "If its a Duel you want, its a Duel you'll get." Erik said. "You go first."

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"Okay," Zonixs said has he reached into his pocket for one of his decks. He had no intention of winning or losing just playing. However none of the decks he had on him were so equipped for that so he decided just to go with favorites. "Remy, I guess your up. Let's Duel!" Zonixs drew 6 cards as he started his turn. He looked at his hand. "Hmm options. I will summon a monster in face-down defense position and activate the spell card Prohibition. I declare the name Dragunity, which means no monsters of that name can be played. I end my turn. Zonixs knew that his move would be dependent on his opponent's. It was going to either be a very deadly game or a very long one. Both of those options pleased him. "I've done research on people like you Erik. Yes I know your name. I should after all being the son of Y--- someone you don't know."



Field: 1 monster-facedown



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Guest Random Dude

(My Internet was acting up so I couldn't post for a while)


Xieghart exited his former home in the Satellite Sector. He mounted his duel runner and activated his scanner, the scanner exploded from a high reading nearby. "Level 7, and only a few yards away." He revved up his runner and took off towards the disturbance.

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"So you're going to use Prohibition against me? Well, luckily for me, not all my cards are Dragunity cards. I'm going to play one non-Dragunity monster face-down on the field, activate the Field Card Rising Air Current and place one other card on the field. Thats all." Erik said. If he let Prohibition remain on the field, he would lose this duel. Good thing I already have a plan to stop it, Erik thought.


LP: 8000

Field: 1 Face-down monster

Spell/Trap: 2

Hand: 3

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