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gift for Pokefan5678


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[align=center]Well basically i asked you if i could make you a banner for your club and you said yeahh so here it is.. just though i would post it as a gift since it kinda is ;D


V.1 Gokujointoday.png






Hope you like it[/align]

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You follow a tut for this?


lol nope... i just kinda messed around with some effects for a while and came out with this.

Good text lol' date=' no[/b']

, good blending.

Text is bad, you can still see the box in which you applied the effects to the text in. =/

Oversharpened, imo

Render kinda looks....tilted? I'm not real sure how to explain it.


Pretty nice results though, KIU.


lol thanks.. and i know the text isnt that good... im still kinda new at it and just kinda threw it on the tag at the last minute.. so yeahh it could have benn done better..

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