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My monsters, they are Tuning! [Disc on Tuning]

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Lore: Add 1 "Synchron" Tuner to your hand from your Deck. Then send a number of cards equal to that monster's Level from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard.




Theres no pictures of it, cause its not out/comming out yet.


But, if it ever did, what would you think and how would it affect synchron's + this cards placement on the banlist.

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This card would probably cause junk and quickdraw decks to raise into tier status (considering the awesome Junk Destroyer coming "soon.")


I brought this card up becuase I play it in Tag Force 4. Its really amazing. My thoughts are however:

- The card in the game is at 3, which in real life would be on the list

- The new Junk cards will really make the deck stronger

- The main card in the deck "Card of Safe Return" is now banned, and there goes almost all of my draw power.


But other than that, the quickdraw combo is remarkable. And on a sidenote, this card can save you if you topdeck it, get junk, synch into a generic level 5 synchro (Catastor ftw).

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