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New Vector Sig style (needs CnC)


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[align=center]Well ever since i made that vector styled gift for LiAM i wanted to make myself one! so i checked out a couple different stlyes and tried something new...


pleas comment and CnC and tell me how you like it ;D


I also would make a vector tut on how to just make a simple Vector tag if anyone is intrested...


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yeahh i tried to get the focal to go to the render soo i made a glowing arrow to point to her ;D


and yeahh i had to render the image and her hair just kinda stops so her hair kinda did get cut...


heres the original image so you can understand what i mean http://www.rap-up.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/nicki-minaj.jpg


it looked kinda sketchy and ruff so i blurred it too..


but thanks =D

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