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Apparantly Cyber Dragons do reproduce [Cyber Larva]

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When this face-up card on the field is selected as an attack target' date=' any Battle Damage you take during this turn becomes 0. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Cyber Larva" from your Deck.[/quote']


I question why it was with Larva Moth (this guy probably inherited its ATK/DEF), but I digress. I saw this whilst perusing the the card list of Premium Pack 12. This little guy can help stall a turn (if the opponent doesn't use the already massive amount of monster destruction) and he can make good Eltanin food. What do you guys think?

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This is un-related to Cyber Dragon

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Its like a more awesome version of Winged Kuriboh' date=' but isnt as abusable. Nice.


I don't read Japanese. Anyway, the thing I like about Cyber Larva is it's essentially Winged Kuriboh as it appears in the show, since you also don't take damage from its own battle.

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This is un-related to Cyber Dragon

Its more along the lines of bieng related to:




Its like a more awesome version of Winged Kuriboh' date=' but isnt as abusable. Nice.


I don't read Japanese. Anyway, the thing I like about Cyber Larva is it's essentially Winged Kuriboh as it appears in the show, since you also don't take damage from its own battle.


Katakana's quite easy to read. The name of the card in Romaji is AAMAADO BII, which looks a damn lot like "Armed Bee" or "Armored Bee". I thinks the latter of the two.

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This is un-related to Cyber Dragon

Its more along the lines of bieng related to:




Its like a more awesome version of Winged Kuriboh' date=' but isnt as abusable. Nice.


I don't read Japanese. Anyway, the thing I like about Cyber Larva is it's essentially Winged Kuriboh as it appears in the show, since you also don't take damage from its own battle.


Apart from what he already pointed out, I'm pretty sure you can see pictures correctly. It's a little-known-fact that pictures are the same in Japanese as in English. [/sarcasm]


I like this thing. Everyone knows why.

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