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Mega Man 10 by Capcom


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Mega Man 10, now available for download on the Wii, has much more content to come this April. After the game hits XBLA (March 31) and PSN (March 11), Capcom will be adding two DLC packs.Although the prices haven’t been listed for every console, the DLC has been dated and priced for the WiiWare addition:

1). Bass Mode – 4/5/10 : “Play the game as Bass. Bass can shoot in 7 directions. Some of his abilities differ from Mega Man’s.”

2). Special Stages 1 – 4/5/10 : “An addition stage for Time Attack with its own special Boss.”

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Never cared about Mega Man.


Then what's the bloody point of making a post about it?


There is already a topic for this.....but I can say without a doubt' date=' MM10's Stage Themes are Terribad. YCMnoob-worthy.



I beg to differ. I think they're really good. Different from standard Mega Man music, but still really good. But w/e.

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