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Who knew Black Rose Dragon had a second effect? 0_0

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I'm pretty sure this has been done before, but...




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned' date=' you can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to change 1 monster your opponent controls to face-up Attack Position, and reduce its ATK to 0 until the End Phase[/quote'][/align]



So..for the sake of arguement..Lets say you synchro summon this guy and DON'T use its first effect (ROFL)...


I actually don't hate its second effect. Reminds me of Reptillians...but with roots, and a wierd rose fettish.




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BRD's second effect is epic and is a game winner' date=' but requires a dedicated build, or atleast one who runs 2-3 Mystic Tomato.



So much fun..

I synchro'd for it today in a plant deck, and randomly decided to read the effect. I shat brix.

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( they just found out about its 2nd effect?! HA! Kazuki Takashi is crying somewhere right now. )


well its obvious now why its called Black ROSE Dragon.


I figured it had a plant effect, but I never took the time to notice the epicness of said effect >_>

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This is one of the many reasons why this card was limited.


Also' date=' I luv BRD as much as I luv Yanderes.



That's not surprising, since Black Rose Dragon IS a Yandere. It at least is destroying all romantic opposition, friend and foe, just so you and it can be together forever. FOREVER.


At least its not the other kind of Yandere that just kills you so you can't use any other card, zapping your LP to 0~

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Ya..It's alot of use when you're behind, and its a last resort..but I can see it being amazing in other ways.

I summoned it in a plant deck in a tourny a while ago. I was winning, no reason to nuke. The person called me a n00b. I read its effect, and lol'd at his face. XD

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