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Float; A Zombie RP with a difference [Not started/Accepting, new strains]


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[spoiler=Plot] The year is 2038, well, that's what the last calender ever made says. In 2014 The UN commissioned Project Float, a program in which many people would leave the mainlands of their various countries to live on massive city-ships out in the ocean. Many people signed up for Project Float, and some didn't have a choice, these were the prisoners. Float's original purpose was to help the world's lands cope with the growing population better, however, the city-ships served ultimately another purpose. The second re-supply run required by the floats has lead many to Manhattan New York. They found the city deserted. But they landed during the night. Many Float-dwellers went into the city, most returned with food, water, and other bare necessities, still more waited for daylight before embarking on these quests. Those who waited for daylight were torn apart, seemingly by other humans, ultimately, it became apparent that the float-dwellers were the survivors of a zombie Apocalypse. But these were certainly not the kinds of Zombies that were imagined by fantasy writers. These were something similar, but at the same time very different. Many Float-Dwellers simply returned to the ocean with whatever food they could gather, but some stayed behind. To battle the undead, to search for survivors, and to retake the land for humanity.


[spoiler=Zombie Codex]

This section contains the different kinds of Zombies that can be encountered in 'Float'.



The average zombie, slow, unintelligent, and amazingly strong, warriors have no ability to see in the dark at all, And thus they often spend their time at night standing perfectly still. Warriors, hunt during the day, which many find unusual and contradicting to the concept of Zombies.



Vigilants are zombies that travel with packs of other types, and often also fall under another category. Their scenes are amazing, particularly their scent. When they sense movement that doesn't come from another member of their own pack, they emit a high-pitch screech to alert other, less sensorily attuned pack members. Vigilants are generally weaker then their counterparts and are only as strong as the average human male, they are however, faster then most members of their particular 'strain.' They usually rely on the rest of their pack for back-up in combat.



Dragonflies are another strain of Zombie, they appear largely skeletal, however, their loose skin and Muscle re-arranges it's self becoming boneless wing-like limbs, Dragonflies are fast and strong, they can fly, however they are just as unintelligent as Warriors, and they are usually far-sighted, meaning that if you can get close to a Dragonfly before it notices you and flies toward you to attack, knowing your position, you stand a much better chance.



Soldiers are the only non-intelligent Zombies that retain the ability to use weapons, they often use more simple items such as axes, shovels, or nail guns, however it's not un-known for them to wield other weapons. For example, a few members of the police force became soldier zombies and still carry their weapons.



A female only species of Zombie, Breeders always appear as attractive human women, and retain their ability to breed with both zombies, and humans. Like Vigilants they can be members of others stains, however, they have the ability to effectively disguise themselves. They are much like black widow spiders, after impregnation has occurred, they kill human mates. Children born to breeders are always Zombies. They reach maturity in only days.



Contrary to what their name applies, not all hounds are dogs, any animal that becomes a Zombie is considered a hound, Hounds have the ability to scale vertical walks, they have acute senses that rival those of Vigilants and they are very fast and strong. Dependant on their size, their nature changes drastically, a Hippopotamus hound is likely to simply openly attack it's pray and devour them in battle, where-as a small lizard is likely to attack it's pray from shadows, and use cheap tricks to gain the advantage. Hounds are the only zombies with any ability to see in the dark.



Mekhet are zombies with the ability to turn invisible over short periods of time, however, any physical contact with a living creature breaks the invisibility. Mekhets are exceeingly rare as far as we can see.



Rememberers are another sub-strain of Zombie that can belong to any strain, however, Rememberers have the unique ability to gain some memories and skills from those they eat the brains of. Rememberers often become inteligent after thier infection due to aquiring many different memories, however they ofen have very strange, almost schizophrenic personalities as they can't seem to distinguish other people's memories from thier own.


Intelligent Zombies

Sometimes a Zombie is born with human-level brain power, or retains it after their infection, these Zombies are generally the leaders of packs, however some others seek cures for their afflictions, or even to destroy the un-intelligent members of their cursed species and live amongst humans. As to weather of not they will be accepted is another matter completely. Any species of Zombie can be intelligent.


[spoiler=Human app]







Float-dweller, or survivor?:


Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors:



[spoiler=Intelligent Zombie App]







Strain: (Eg Breeder-Dragonfly, or Soldier, you could even be an intelligent Hound)


Side: (survivors or zombies)



http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-152476.html YCM's roleplaying rules can be found here.

In this RP, as in all others now, the Advanced Clause is Manditory.

Also, I will have no fighting on my thread, in character arguments are fine, however as soon as it leaves the relms of the actual RP, it also leaves this thread, okay?

Finally, Shortposting will get my thread locked, you'll get 3 warnings on this, if you ignore the third warning I give you without a good reason, you'll be banned from the RP, your character will be written off, or used as an NPC, and you'll possibly be negged.


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Name: Aleksandr Ivanov

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Skills: Aleksandr is a skilled mechanic and explosives expert. When it comes to machinery and stuff that goes boom, he’s the guy who knows most if not all. Along with this, he is an average leveled hacker and is generally skilled with technology. Given his mechanic skills, he can also control most if not any type of vehicle.

Possessions: Several tools a mechanic would keep on hand, as well as a deck of cards. For a weapon, he possesses a ‘tree-saw’. A tree-saw is basically a long pole with a chainsaw like razor at the end, often used to cut off branches from trees. He keeps this attached to his back. It’s luckily short enough for him to be able to go in buildings with low roofs.

Bio: Actually, can I edit this later? Preferably tomorrow? Don’t have much ideas for a bio right now.

Float-dweller, or survivor?: Float-dweller.





Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: Like most people, he’s unsure around them. However, other than that, as long as they help out he’s fine with them.

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Name: Selene

Age: 15

Gender: F

Skills: Decent Persuasion/seduction , semi-good dagger handling

Possessions: Disguise material, 1-2 daggers concealed around body.

Bio: Selene was almost relieved after she found she had been infected. She didn't mind her breeding capabilities, and almost certainly didn't mind keeping her intelligence and sanity.

She currently wanders in her human disguise looking to have some "fun" as she puts it

Strain: Breeder


[spoiler=When diguised as Human:]1100936134_esdarkgirl.jpg


Side: Is Neutral Ok?

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Name: Taiga

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Skills: An excellent stalker and hunter. Capable of moving without the slightest sound and hiding from almost anything. His human memories give him good breaking and entering skills as well. He has basic language skills and is semi-literate.

Possessions: A picture dictionary, lock-picking set, a musical pocket watch and a locket with the picture of a woman and a small child.


Bio: Born from a hound breeder. She had captured a thief to use for her impregnation and slowly ate him afterwards. Taiga gained some of the theifs memories and finds himself torn between the world and life of zombies and that of humans. While he doesn't exactly hate zombies, his disjointed human memories prevent him from being completely at ease with other zombies.

He is immensely curious about humans and their ways and stalked severalfor days before joining the survivor group. He has mixed feeling about seeking a cure, being born a zombie, so lacking a human form. But he goes along with it. He dislikes some humans, but is at ease with others. His goal is to find out who the people in the locket are.


Strain: Intelligent Hound



Side: Survivors

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Name: Wade Luther

Age: 21


Skills: Engineer of the Army Rangers, Can make home made bombs, Can fix nearly anything

Posessions: 1887 Shotgun, 45. Colbat , Combat Knife, Cherry Bombs, Some plastic explosive

Bio: Wade was born in Sydney Australia, but moved to Manhattan after getting accepted into the army at 16. He then progressed through the army ranks until reaching Captain. The Zombies Appeared when Wade was about to get a Sniper Rife. He has been battling the Zombies with other Rangers to kill of the undead.

Float-dweller, or survivor?: Survivor

Appearance: 5"8, Brown Short hair, wears Ghille suits most of the time, but wears a Desert Camo at some times. Has Brown Eyes.

Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: Wade kills anything thats Undead. If they are smart of not.

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OoC: I guess we start if im acepted! Okay here goes.

Name:Hank "Tank" Anderson



Skills:Strength and Weapons Specialist. Is also good with his hands, can build almost anything out of almost anything.

Posessions:Wrench and a Pistol.

Bio:Tank Had been in a coma for a few months after saving a woman from being rapped in an Alley. He was pretty beat up. He was in the hospital when the Zombie Plauge spread and he somehow managed to survive. When he woke up there were many female nurses around, Breeders. He almost made the mistake of mating with one before she tried to rip his head off. When he escaped the hospital he found his old place and got a gun and Some tools, but he knew that wasn't enough till he met up with some Float Dwellers.

Float-dweller, or survivor?:Survivor (Barely)

Appearance:Buff, Tall Dark, and has a scar down the side of his face. He wears Tank tops which is where he got his nickname from.

Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: Skeptical about their motives but as long as they don't kill him, he's fine.

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What about your app?


I'm submitting an Intelligent Zombie. I'll edit it in soon



OoC: I guess we start if im acepted! Okay here goes.

Name:Hank "Tank" Anderson



Skills:Strength and Weapons Specialist. Is also good with his hands' date=' can build almost anything out of almost anything.

Posessions:Wrench and a Pistol.

Bio:Tank Had been in a coma for a few months after saving a woman from being rapped in an Alley. He was pretty beat up. He was in the hospital when the Zombie Plauge spread and he somehow managed to survive. When he woke up there were many female nurses around, Breeders. He almost made the mistake of mating with one before she tried to rip his head off. When he escaped the hospital he found his old place and got a gun and Some tools, but he knew that wasn't enough till he met up with some Float Dwellers.

Float-dweller, or survivor?:Survivor (Barely)

Appearance:Buff, Tall Dark, and has a scar down the side of his face. He wears Tank tops which is where he got his nickname from.

Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: Skeptical about their motives but as long as they don't kill him, he's fine.



Accepted, you may begin, I'll join in when I'm in a better state of mind.

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Name: Jason

Age: 19

Gender: M

Skills: He excels in short burst running and lifting objects. He is smart but not super smart. He cna adapt to things well.

Posessions: Family sword, Uzi

Bio: Anyone from his family fought in a war or worked in the military. He worked as a guard on Float but wasn't respected very much. This made him queit and a person who enforces rules strictly but makes acceptions to the rules sometimes. Once the zombies had become more a threat he resigned as a guard and went solo. He might fly solo for now, but will accept any help he can find.

Float-dweller, or survivor?: Float Dweller

Appearance: AVi

Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: Doesn't care

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Guest Random Dude

Name: Vladimir

Age: 19

Gender: male

Skills: Spestnaz training

Possessions:SVD Dragunov sniper rifle, M16, Desert Eagle, survival pack.

Bio: Vladimir was born into a Russian military family where the firstborn son would become a Spetsnaz soldier. Though his training was never finished due to the apocalypse, he learned enough to survive on land. He and his family went on a Float, but Vladimir was left for dead in Manhattan after the Floats left.

Float-dweller, or survivor?:Survivor

Appearance: Is 6'3 and has pale white skin and white hair. Has a scar on his arm made by a barbed wire coiled around his arm during his training. Wears jeans, an AC/DC shirt and a long jacket.

Attitude toward Intelligent Zombies on the side of survivors: The only good Zombie, is a smart or dead zombie.

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I guess we're starting.


A day. More or less. This day was not unlike any other day as of yet. Then again, to a Breeder such as Selene, even months were the same. Breed, slit throats, repeat. Even with the intelligence she had, she could never change her actions. She was a monster.


Selene had no pack. She didn't need one. All she needed was fear. Not her fear, but human fear. That they could not mate with anyone because of her speceis. They would become extinct because of this, and all age could do would be to speed up the process.

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Guest Random Dude

Vladimir had been traveling for days, only stopping to eat. He didn't need sleep. 'Sleep was a weakness', he had been taught by Sergei, his trainer. He remembered his days at the Spetsnaz training camp, Sergei and Boris disciplining them through pain, the weaker recruits being killed during the training process. He remembered his training to stay quiet during torture, being electrocuted, getting barbed wire wrapped around his arm, the severe beating he took. All his training for war, being used to survive.

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Tank took what little supplies he had and headed towards the strange new boats that had landed. He had only lasted a few days since he woke from his coma. He flexed his muscles and he climbed over roofs believing it was the best way to travel as Zombies scuttled around on the ground. Occasionally he would see a Soilder or too and blast it. An intelligent would be slunking in a corner whimpering about fear. You are what you eat i guess Hank thought munching on a few sticks of celery that were vacumed sealed. He came close to the docks before a zombie almost caught him. He aimed at the head and pulled the trigger. There was a click and nothin came out. "Sh*t..." He thought ducking as the hoard came down on him.

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OoC: I'll post my app later, for now, I'll just throw in, my app as a whole shouldn't matter too much at first.


IC: Gustov, Austrian scientist, nobel prize nominee...Monster. The intelligent dragonfly sat pearched atop a sky-scraper, his glasses now ill-fitting on his fleshless nose. He watched the chaos unfold. He didn't like being a monstrocity, after what he did to that little girl, and to countless other people, he struggled to keep himself from feeling too guilty. He'd made the decision to defend the humans and to fight against his own un-natural kind. He glanced down, out near the docks there were floats, an invention he was partially responsible for. He shuddered to think of the inocent people walking into this kind of world. But he knew he couldn't warn them, to them he would just be another zombie, his brains would replaced with lead in no time.

... A pack of Zombies, and a lone human survivor. Gustov saw the scene now, somthing had to be done, taking up the machette from his belt he hurtled down toward the Zombies.

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Chaos. Anarchy. Anti-Law. No matter how you say it, it was there, and it was going to remain there until order came into presence again.

Selene actually loathed fighting. It wasn't her job. Her job was to find a survivor, and finish it. No struggle, just acceptance. So for now, she watched from the shadows with little to no interest.

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Tank cursed as he kicked off several zombies going for his neck. "This one coming up looks inteligent!" He said as he punched the head off of one and hit another with the back of his gun. He searched his pack for an extra box of bullets. He searched in vain as zombies scratched at his arm. He found a stray bullet and loaded it. Then he pulled out a flash granade and lept out of the circle of zombies and activated the granade. He rolled away with his eyes closed as the granade went off. Then he opened his eyes and aimed his gun at the Zombie leaping down toward him.

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Gustov spoke sternly in his strong Austrian accent. "Don't shoot. I mean you no-" He sliced the head off the first zombie he reached, attracting the attention of many members of it's pack. "Harm!" he had landed now, and began to slash his way through them, were it not for the glasses he needed in life anyway, he would have missed every shot, but no, he carved a few asside, his skill with the weapon was somewhat under-developed. He hoped dearly that this display of human-sidedness would deter the shooter atleast long enough to hear him out. But there was no time for that here, Gustov grabbed the man out from under him, by the arms and began to fly away, hoping dearly not to get shot. He soared over the sprawling city. from this angle, you could see hundreds upon thousands of Zombies.

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Taiga lay curled on the roof of an empty building that used to be a bank, not that he new or cared. All that mattered to him was the fact that most of the zombies avoided it, mostly because it was predominantly pitch black on the upper floors for most of the time, even in the day, since it had few windows.

Gun fire attracted his attention. curious, he leap over a couple rooftops in time to spot a dragonfly soar away from a building. The fact that he carried a human wasn't strange, it could be a breeder, but it was flying away from a pack of zombies, several sliced into peices, the swords on the dragonfly's belt the probable culprit.

"Weird," Taiga though, "but curious." He bounded across the rooftops, subtly following the flying creature.

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Simultaneously, Selene noticed two things, One was that there was a zombie that was coming her way, and two, it was essentially falling for her disguise, thinking she was still human. Just like everyone else was supposed to. She acted her normal self, noting weaknesses as her adversary closed in on her, and found one of her concealed daggers. Trying to get it to breed first failed, and so, as the zombie closed in, she swung with her dagger in an overhead arc, and sliced from sholder to hip.


The body separated as it hit the ground.

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