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Discuss... Ninjas?!

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So, the Ninja archetype, as a whole, is pretty bad. Ninja Grand Master Sasuke use to be used and Strike Ninja is fairly good, but besides them the archetype seeks to unite Insects, Winged Beasts, and Beasts with Warriors.


Ninjutsu Art of Transformation is fairly good as it can summon lvl 1-7 Beast, Winged Beast, or Insect monsters for the cost of 1 Ninja on your field which can grab you Green/Yellow Baboon or Dark Simorgh, to name a few.


Personally, I like the general idea, but why did Konami have to fail so badly in making Ninjas?

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It's sad that ninjas have to suck so much. >___>


My younger bro uses Sasuke in defense control, and I've seen some Strike Ninja decks, but as you said - that's about it.


That card you linked is also the only decent support card.


In contrast, MtG's Ninjas are awesome.

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I had a ninja deck once. The big thing was getting Dark Simorgh out with Ninjutsu Art of Transformation, and I through in some support to allow Synchro Summoning. It wasn't the best thing around, but it wasn't that horrible.


Several Ninjas are Dark and Wind types too, further supporting Dark Simorgh's Special Summoning requirements too.


I remember being disappointed that Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke was Light... now that i think about it, that'll allow room for Chaos Sorcerer~

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Technically they've already taken the MtG Ninja spark and infused it with an archetype, or atleast the basic premise of swapping out, GBs, but I don't know what they could focus the ninja archetype towards that hasn't already been done...


BWs can SS from the hand

GBs can SS from the deck


I don't really know how they would use the mechanic from MtG and still keep it fair...

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Don't worry. I see a pattern.


They are probaly working out some secret Ninja archtype that will upgrade the current one and make it meta. Just liek what happened to the samurais.


Sasuke Samurai + Meta Stone = Six Samurai.


Ninja + Meta Stone = ????


It's Japan. The samurai are gonna be stronger than the ninjas. >_>

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They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.


It's not as though Naruto invented the concept of ninjas.

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They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.


It's not as though Naruto invented the concept of ninjas.


This, they just have to avoid basing the pictures off of the characters and the people who have say in Naruto have absolutly no ground.

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They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.


It's not as though Naruto invented the concept of ninjas.


Yeah, it'd be like saying we don't have any pirate cards in this game because of One Piece...wait...there isn't a single pirate monster in this game...


Seriously, why are there no pirates in this obviously fantasy based game?


On-Topic: Ninjas have way too many terribad monsters sadly.

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They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.


It's not as though Naruto invented the concept of ninjas.


Yeah, it'd be like saying we don't have any pirate cards in this game because of One Piece...wait...there isn't a single pirate monster in this game...


Seriously, why are there no pirates in this obviously fantasy based game?


On-Topic: Ninjas have way too many terribad monsters sadly.



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Technically they've already taken the MtG Ninja spark and infused it with an archetype' date=' or atleast the basic premise of swapping out, GBs, but I don't know what they could focus the ninja archetype towards that hasn't already been done...


BWs can SS from the hand

GBs can SS from the deck


I don't really know how they would use the mechanic from MtG and still keep it fair...



They can Tag from the RFP Zone a TOTAL BREAKING AN NEW CONCEPT!!!!!!



Also ninjas from MTG were <3


@Le Pierrot: Skull Mariner

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They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.


It's not as though Naruto invented the concept of ninjas.


Yeah, it'd be like saying we don't have any pirate cards in this game because of One Piece...wait...there isn't a single pirate monster in this game...


Seriously, why are there no pirates in this obviously fantasy based game?


On-Topic: Ninjas have way too many terribad monsters sadly.


There WERE Pirates in Yu-Gi-Oh! They were called UDE.

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Don't worry. I see a pattern.


They are probaly working out some secret Ninja archtype that will upgrade the current one and make it meta. Just liek what happened to the samurais.


Sasuke Samurai + Meta Stone = Six Samurai.


Ninja + Meta Stone = ????


It's Japan. The samurai are gonna be stronger than the ninjas. >_>


If you study Japanese histroy you will find the fact that as Samurais dominated the whole Japan for a period of approx. 650 years, the Ninjas controlled a plot of land no larger than Rhode Island for like 100 years.

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Don't worry. I see a pattern.


They are probaly working out some secret Ninja archtype that will upgrade the current one and make it meta. Just liek what happened to the samurais.


Sasuke Samurai + Meta Stone = Six Samurai.


Ninja + Meta Stone = ????


It's Japan. The samurai are gonna be stronger than the ninjas. >_>


If you study Japanese histroy you will find the fact that as Samurais dominated the whole Japan for a period of approx. 650 years' date=' the Ninjas controlled a plot of land no larger than Rhode Island for like 100 years.


They were in different countries and therefore this isn't comparable at all.

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Don't worry. I see a pattern.


They are probaly working out some secret Ninja archtype that will upgrade the current one and make it meta. Just liek what happened to the samurais.


Sasuke Samurai + Meta Stone = Six Samurai.


Ninja + Meta Stone = ????

Six Ninjas! *gets shot*


They probably won't make too many ninja cards in order to avoid lawsuits from Shonen Jump' date=' Viz Entertainment, and whoever else has a say in Naruto. They were already pushing it with Goblin Black Ops (great parody, though).

Ninjas are a fun deck to run, but they are barely playable in meta-game.

[/quote'] might i add, Gaunlet Warrior and Fane?

They are awful. they failed so bad making these. Konami must make good ones to make up for the awfulness of the old ones.

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