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The Shadowed Ones: A Myth RP - Chapter IV: Descent into the Underworld [STARTED / Accepting]


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"Stupid, cocky Athena kid." Jecht said turning his attention to him. "You're not smart just because your IQ is high, which I can argue it is not, but you can't win."


Dante was caught off guard as a sword was on his throat. He was smiling, he had confidence in Jecht and Yukki. He took his sword and had it pressed tightly against Jason's back. "You forgot to disarm me dumba--." He said ready to plunge the sword into his back. "You kill me I kill you. If I don't kill you Jecht will, his bow can shoot a frikin target from 50 feet away. I still want you to teach me that." He called out to Jecht. "You also forgot there's two of us." He said as Yukki stood beside Jason with a dagger at the ready.


"I'll put down my weapons if the traitor does and we have him searched." He said to Jared, not afraid what he would do if Jecht killed Jason.

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"Now, now, let's not be hasty." Carlos moves toward the four with a rather urgent speed. "There's no need for this. Now, you two, put down your weapons." Motioning to the two unattacked members of Jecht's group to leave it be, Carlos withdrew his staff. "Now then, we can settle this like civilized gentlemen. Let him go. Granted, he's a bit overzealous, but he's got everyone's best intrests at heart. And, would Athena really approve of unnecessary violence? Think now. Just let him go." Carlos here is putting on his best good boy act, an act that got him out of trouble many times in his life. (What, me steal all the money from the bank officers? You must be joking. How would a little kid like me {Puppy dog eyes} manage that?) Hopefully, it would be enough to save his new ally's skin.

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Jason lowered his sword, and pushed the kid away. He stumbled, but did not fall. Jason looked at the kid who had spoken. "I met you at the orientation, didn't I?" Jason lowered his sword, though he did not loosen his grip. "I don't care who you are, or what happens, but I will not be harmed." Jason sighed; things sure were getting tense, so he decided to break the ice, and try to fix things. He held out a hand to the kid he had held, and said to him, "Hey...no harm done, right?"

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"Yes, you did, if I remember correctly," the Iskios said, back in control. "And, it's nice to see you aren't dead, seeing as these morons would better off have you that way. I should really consider this, seeing as we've got a bad number now."


OOC: THEChanger, PM me your plan for this prank.


Jared looked at his ring, which was giving faint sparks off as the energy from Jared's body was being absorbed into it. I wanted a fight, the soul of the sword said, Why'd you have to stop them?


Oh, a talking sword, how annoying, the Iskios' voice said, inside Jared's head, But, I can still control you.


Jared?! What's going on? This bad soul is guiding my blade! the sword said, impatiently trying to wiggle of Jared's finger, but it tightened to a fist.


Sorry, Vida, but this was the only way I'd be able to live. If I tried to fight, it would crush me. Shadows are powerful things. This Iskios is a daughter of Erebus, the Darkness. She can blend in with shadows, and grows more powerful at night, but if-


JARED BLACK, I FORBID YOU TO SPEAK, the Iskios thought, controlling Jared's mind now. It was seizing Jared and pulling him in the darkness, metaphorically.

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Dante shook his hand but still had his sword drawn.


Jecht turned towards Jared again. "Excuse me?! Morons?!" He said sensing that something wasn't right. He could feel Jared's arua but it was stronger as if he were two people. He didn't know who was the most immedait threat, Jason or Jared. "Who are you? I know something's wrong. THere's something here, something, dark and evil here. Can't you feel it>" He said his bow strung at Jared.

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ooC: you guys sure do post alot...someone corect me if i have errors in my post that don't go with what is happeneing


IC: Brian speed up to Jetch and drew his sword. Holding it to his neck. "I'd put down the Bow if i were you buddy."He said hitting the had that held the bow with the hilt of his sword. The sword changed to a caduces and a snake nipped at Jetch's neck. "Im not a good enemy." He said before returning the caduces to a sword and resting the tip at the base of Jetch's throat. He kept his hand as steady as possible but still his hand shook enough to leave a cut on Jetch's neck before pulling away the sword and Putting the phone in his pocket.

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Jared waved his hands, still under the Iskios' control. "There's no need for fighting, guys. Let's just get to bed. There's too many people to pull a prank on Rouge effectively, now, so we might as well ditch the effort. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. So what if he's a teacher. There's worse than detentions, you know. There's the Field of Eternal Punishment. You could be sent there..."

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"HEY!! Was that an f---ing snake?! Hermes right?" Jecht was getting angry. "Where the f--- did you come from?! This ain't your buisness." Then Dante ran up and was at Brian's back while Yukki was still beside Jason unsure of what he would do.


"HEy! Dude, put the sword down, didn't we just go through this? Ain't nobody gotta get hurt here." 'Cept you. He thought silently his sword at the ready.

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Brian looked at the strange kid of Zeus, he never liked their kind but their demi gods were his uncles in a way...He hated that. Brian put his phone in his pocket and stalked off before Jetch realized how big the cut was. He hadn't seen his dorm yet but he hoped there was room with all the Minor-Demigod children, who's parents were too lazy to claim then. He had only set his stuff just inside the room before running off to explore and now he really had a chance to admire it. He felt great having his father be the God of so many things.

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Jared's patience snapped and the ring flew of his finger, transforming into Vida, who was flowing with electricity as he swung at Dante's sword, which shocked Dante so badly that Dante flew off the hilt, making him go twenty feet backwards as his sword clattered on the ground. "I said, there was no need for fighting. What do you not understand about that?" Jared asked, looking around.

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Dante was dazed after the shock. "Woah, far out."


Jecht looked up at Jared. "Okay dude. I'm definetly arranging anger management classes for you but you don't touch my half-brothers." He with drew his double edged sword. "you said it for yourself, there's no need for fighting but then again, I'm not a fan of rules." He twirled the sword around and around. Jecht knew something was wrong with Jared but he didn't know what. "NOW!" He shouted and rolled off the side and Yukki ran up with metal bonds and wrapped Jared in it. They obviously had planned this. "Jared dude! Snap out of it! There's sumthing wrong with ya. Try to shock your self out of it and the metal with double the volts and zap you out of exsitence. Just fight it! Take control!"

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"Well, this certainly took a turn for the worse. Perhaps now would be a good time to make my exit." Carlos said with a rather sly smile. He, of course, had no intention of leaving just when things started to get . . . interesting. But if he could provoke an attack from Jared . . . well, there goes Jared. An excellent start to any carrer of mischief. Mr. Rouge could wait. This was going to be much more fun.

As he walked off, Carlos "accidentally" smacked Jared's face with the hourglass on top of the staff. "Oops, sorry, my bad."

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Jared's voice was different now. High-pitched and girly. "Ooo, aren't you smart little half-bloods? You figured that something was wrong with your friend Jared. You're sooo smart."


A shadow crept down Jared's body, coming out of his eyes, and landing on the ground. A body started to grow out of it, running up out of the ground like some strange seed was planted there. A little girl who looked to be about thirteen was standing there, in a wispy black dress, made of shadows. A blade started forming out of shadows in her hand, swirling to form a long, narrow blade.


"Let's see you fight a shadow," the Iskios laughed.

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Carlos' formerly amused faced now blanched with fear. "And now, I deeply suggest we all run. Very, very fast. Back to our dorms. Of course, your choice." With that statement, Carlos uncerimoniously charged back towards the Minor Gods Dorm, staff in hand. An angry Jared, well, that was one thing, but a living shadow? That crawled out of Jared's head?!? No thank you. After all, how do you fight a shadow? You can't exactly hit it. No, safest to head back to the dorm and wait till morning. With all the lights on.

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Jason blinked at the girl. "You're kidding, right?" He looked around at all the others around him. This strange girl stood no chance. "You know, there are...what, four, five of us. And there's only one of you." He blinked, then steadied himself for the battle. No matter what happens, I will not falter. I will not fail. I will defeat this evil being who inhabits that boy's body. Jason prepared for the coming attack, and waited for the grim moment to come.

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Carlos was stopped in his tracks. A large, black hand had wrapped around him, and soon, a girl's body, solid to what he could feel, was standing, her body pressed against his back. "Awh, Carlos, why are you going? You're father is the coward, though, so I guess there's no reason why you shouldn't be. Like father like son, they say."


But, the Iskios was not only with Carlos, but it split, into 7 different shadows, all facing a different member of the group. "Well, well, well," she muttered, looking at Jared's metal bonds, which started to unfold as she spoke. "You can't fight with those, Jared."

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"Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly? Coward, no. Realistic, yes. You're a tricky one, I'll grant you that. Something about you messes with my pre-perception. Forces me into the present. But, seeing as I'm not going anywhere soon . . ." Not bothering to finish his sentence, Carlos turns around and attempts to smack the shadow girl over the head with his staff. After all, if she can stop him, it was reasonable to assume that she would be affected by other physical things. Hopefully.

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Carlos' hand waved through her head, which reformed in the blink of an eye. She smiled evilly at him. "Got any plans now, oh great demigod?" she cackled as he took her blade, which admittedly look very solid and pushed it in the ground between Carlos' legs, leaning in very close. "Think, just think. My father is the parts of the Underworld that aren't too bad. Maybe I can pull some strings and send you to the Fields of Eternal Punishment."


The other Iskios were fighting each of the students, Jared putting up a good fight, though lightning didn't seem to have a lasting effect. He drew his sword, which glowed blue still, and swung it at his 1/7 of the Iskios. It stopped her for a moment, making the shadows take longer to reform, but it was a super-charged blade, by now.

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Jason sparred, it would seem, with the shadow. His large blade clashed loudly with the shadow blade. "This...I can't believe it!" Jason had just remembered that he had read about this thing. "This is an Iskios. It's a special kind of demon, not even a proper demigod. It holds the powers of one, though they are not as strong. If we work together, than we should be able to take it out!" Jason swiped quickly, but the shadow just phased through it. "Damn."

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"By the gods, you're a tough one. Can't see what you're going to do, can't hit you, now what am I going to do?" Carlos is visably shaken by having to fight something he can't hit back. "If there was ever a time to lend some help, dad, it'd be now." Admittedly, Carlos had never been on the best of terms with Janus, with the whole let his mother die thing. But if there was ever a time he was willing to let that go, it would be now. Oh well. Carlos assumed a defensive position. "Well, you can't be solid and phantom at the same time. So, I just fight defensivly until the sun comes up. Or someone who know what to do about you shows up." Carlos gave a defiante grin, but it's clear this is just bravado. He's really, really scared.

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"Oh, oh," the Iskios said, leaning in closer to Carlos, looking him dead in the eye. "Your daddy is no help here. What decision can you make that would do you any good? Your father is a minor god of beginnings and endings, and I can trust you this won't be a happy one."


"Ooh," one of them said, "This little half-bloods figured it out. But you are wrong, Jason Clawborne, we are more powerful than puny half-bloods, because we can absorb them. We can take anything into our shadows, and it won't come out again, haven't you noticed the sword?"


Jared, who was in an intense battle with his 1/7 of the Iskios, wasn't too happy. "Yes, I've noticed. It's Vida, except made of shadows. It still conducts electricity, but what's worse, is she is rooted to me as long as Vida exists."

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Carlos closed his eyes, reviewing everything he could find on the Iskios, both in his memory and the past three hours around him. Unfortunatly, the only thing he could come up with was that this one had apparently bonded with Jared. "Dad might not be able to help me, but I have one god on my side, atleast. Helios will be rolling across the sky soon, and a shadow like you won't last too long outside in the sunshine." Maintaining his defensive position, Carlos began to circle around the demon, moving closer to Jared. Maybe one-on-one they couldn't defeat these things, but a two-on-two match-up might give them the edge they need to stay alive till sun-up.

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"Oh, Helios? That old man?" one of the seven cackled, but none of the others did. They obviously had another card up their sleeves. "Helios is a rustic old man, and Apollo, who usually drives that chariot nowadays, is much better suited for the job. Why can't Helios just be forgotten?"


"Because, gods are immortal. Immortals don't die," Jared said, stabbing through his seventh's heart, though it just faded around it. The shadow seemed to grow taller with the fading moon, but then, all of the parts snapped back together, and moved over to Jared. Shadows wrapped up his body, and he was stuck.


Her lips made contact with his, and she was sucked inside his body, the shadows outside him fading in the new sunlight. "Oh, Hades," Jared said, obviously the Iskios, "This body is so uncomfortable. Such tight clothes restricting movement.."

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James watched the struggle, observing the Iskios and its powers, and thinking. He listened to the conversation about the sun, and had an idea.


Eyes searching his surroundings for what he needed, he frowned in concentration, thinking of any way to use what he had to implement his plan. He found it when he noticed a small piece of tree bark that had been hit eariler by Jared's lightning, and was still smoldering, a small spark of flame at the center.


He quietly grabbed it, and found a large stick that he began holding over it as he blew on the flame, throwing dry grass on it to try and make it grow. Eventually he made it large enough that it would work for what heh ad in mind. He tore off a sleeve of his shirt and wrapped it around the end, then stuck it into the the flame he had been hiding behind a large tree and his own body. Once he had a large flame going, he ran out from his hiding spot, and shouted.


"How about some early light?"


He ran around the group, dragging the torch along the ground, starting a trail of flames that steadily grew, and occasionally swiping into the branches of some trees to set them on fire as well.



I'm a bit overwhlemed here, so sorry if the post doesn't make any sense. I'm just posting an idea and I'll see what the leader says happens.


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Brian swung his caduces charging up the blue energy of the weapon. He aimed it at Jared. "Maybe if we get rid of the host the shadow will go too." The blue energy was almost the size of a watermelon. Brian sent it flying towards Jared. His caduces turned back into his sword and he ran towards Jared blade aimed at his heart ready to strike Jared to bits. It can't really be the son of Zeus if the Shadow is in the body, right? He thought to himself and if it is. That will be one less of those anoying all powerful demi-gods.

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