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Sacred Crane [/DISC]

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They purposely made it 100 points over the threshold of Inferno Reckless Summon' date=' didn't they? >.>[/quote']

Pretty much :/


And then like the very next day they released Disk Commander.


It needs to be part of a fusion...


It bieng a level 5 makes it so much more awesome.


Instant Fusion effectivly becomes a Pot of Greed <3

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Maybe in an Ojama deck with Ojama Country? In a deck with Splendid Venus? Witch's Apprentice? There's not too many continuous effects that easily decrease your own monsters effects without it being too specific, so using Sacred Crane with Inferno Reckless Summon wont easily work everywhere.

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well' date=' they WERE at 3 back then.... possibly a Zombie World build?

you have Z-Master, Mezuki, Il Blud, Book of Life and a few others..... giving some draw.



this could be interesting....maybe a "Light" Zombie World build? this way Honest can be used as well?

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-Soul Rope

-Call of the Haunted

-The Creator

-Summoner Monk

-A Rival Appears

-Monster Gate

-Zombie World/Master/ Mezuki/Ill Blud/Book of Life



-Slip Summon

That Spell that Special Summons a Level 4 monster that was destroyed by an effect this turn.


I can't think on other not so contraproductive cards that might help...

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I was looking at this card on Wc 2009. I think Dark_Armed_Zombie knows what i am thinking.

As for the card, today it's pretty meh, i guess back then it was much much better due to the slower format obviously and a few cards like Card of Safe Return were still around.

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It's pretty obvious that it won't be meta. If this card had some kind of way to be fairly easily Special Summoned by itself, maybe. It just lacks good support to make this runnable draw power really. It's a Dam shame this card doesn't have 1500 ATK.

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It's pretty obvious that it won't be meta. If this card had some kind of way to be fairly easily Special Summoned by itself' date=' maybe. It just lacks good support to make this runnable draw power really. It's a Dam shame this card doesn't have 1500 ATK.



My thoughts exactly.


There are soooo many cards that would be awesome if they had just 100-400 less ATK. *Waits for the right card*

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perhaps in Traditional....

Zombie Crane Turbo?


using CosR' date=' Disk Commander and DMOC to use and abuse?



Splash in Monster Gate and Reasoning and i say it would be possible, with Premature Burial and Monster Reborn in Traditional also.

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