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'HENSHIN!!' ('Transform' in Japanese) [Transformation Summon][DISC]

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Lawl, the card frame would be a light pink




.....And to be honest, "Transformation" would be a weird game mechanic.

It would effectivly be like Dark Magician Knight, only the Special Summoned monster would be placed in the Extra Deck.


Meh, its interesting, but Konami would obveioulsy add broken effects to them to make them meta-worthy

Double Post. So sue me.


The whole "Form Change" is just a Hero specific version of Metamorphasis >___>

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Vision Hero's ripped off the Crystal Beasts...


Transformation Summoning would be quite fun' date=' but I don't see it affecting the meta very much.

Unless Konami gives them extremely broken effects.



They haven't got any extremely broken cards, but they do have very abusable cards.

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