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Might be a 'Catastor-Prototype' [A.O.J Core-Destroy]

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Fun-Fact: The "Ally of Justice" name refers the Jaden and his "Darkness of Justice", which fights agenst the Light of Destruction. As such, thsese DARK-Attribute machines are allies with justice.

(random trivia from the Japanese Version of the Jaden vs Yubel episode)


I can't read japanese' date=' but I suppose it's a machine...


All the A•O•Js are Machine-Types.


......But using Machina Dublication on this would be pretty lulzy.

And you could even side-deck this in a Debris-control-esque deck

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Ally Mind = Rookie

Ally Bomb = Champion

This = Ultimiate

Catastor = Mega


*gets shot*


Oh goody' date=' another [b']Attribute[/b] killer.


It would be funnier if it's ATK were 500.

How so?


Cuz you get to say to your opponent "Hah, I killed ur JD with my 500 ATK monster! I win!". That is how the comedy element is introduced.

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It's alright. Catastor was good because he was a Synchro, which meant you could pull him out at any time to beat stuff up. This is basically just a shitty version of Exiled Force that first requires you to make a successful attack. Yeah, it stays around, but in this age of Monster Removal, that's no biggie. Even assuming that they don't just have a nonlight monster that can attack right over it.

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