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Gangsta Grillz Official Banner!!


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It looks cool.


But he's swearing at me (MOMMY!)


Blurs look kinda... drugged up...


text is odd but still looks good overall =D


the blur looks drugged up cause that what i did =D lol


haha yeahh the text is really weird! thats why i liked it.. its like a glowing graffiti things.

Great Banner


Well Made


except like liam said he is swearing at me


hahaha thanks :)

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nice banner......

unlike LiAM' date=' and Bucketkiller...........my tear glands are dried up...so I don't really cry.....T.T



hahaha. its a "Gangster Grillz" Banner so it needs to look mean scary and inappropriate.. thats what we are.


(Also: always looking for new members if you wanna join ;D )

dat is an awesome sig bruv


Like the grapheti effect with the words... Not a fan of the pic but it still looks cool a bit blury though (If it is intentional then sorry for commenting on it.)




hahah its all good.. the sig just looked boring so i tried to blur it up and smudge it to lighting it up and to add more effect.


but thanks for your comments ^_^

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