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OMFG. Custom Image D=


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wow' date=' awesome BG with awesome flow! How did you made it? I agreee with FW, the glow looks weird.


Gute Arbeit, weiter so! ;']




The flow was made with a first layer of odd brush shapes in motion blur, then a lot of light and wisp lines screened over etc.

and I know it's quite off with the glow, but I tried to make it YGO D=


und Danke ;D

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Ich liebe es :)

Enshuldigung fur meine Deutsch' date=' es ist nich so gut.



It's good that you love it xD


Sorry for my German, it is ? so good


I'm assuming by nich, you mean nicht.


Don't worry, my Germans not too good either. But enshuldigung shoulda really been 'Es tut mir lied'. (I think thats the right spelling). The other word is kinda like an exclamation (eg. Schnell).


But thanks xD

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