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Wierd Conception


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today in my AP drawing class, our teacher told us to go into photoshop and create a self portrait of ourselves with a non-descriptive background, we only had 30 minutes to work on it, so i feel like i haven't shown any work in a while, and would like to get opinions on this piece







this piece is very unusual to the style of drawing i'm regularly used to

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Nice nice... nice.... abstract simply and blandly colored' date=' my type of art!


thanks i really like abstracts


I wish I could do that T.T More detail would b good though' date=' especiially teh bg.


well the assignment was to have a non-descriptive bg, by more details do you mean more lines, shapes, abstractual design?


Nice hair


I agree with the more detail thing.


Some of the brushes seem a little too thick and bold.


Would look cool with a neck too ;D


hmmm... a neck.... yes i should add one, a floating head seems a little od to me ^^;

for the brush strokes i wanted them to be sorta sketchy, but do you mean like they make the lines skinnier?

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