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Kids who proxy cards they don't have

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Hey guys, I need to vent about said topic in title, so just let e know if I am right about this


At the college I attend, there are about 7 or 8 of us who play in between class hours, all of us proxy sometimes, because we have at least one copy of the card we're proxying. Now, heres what really flips my sheet, there is this one kid who hasn't got a clue in the world, he proxies cards he doesn't have a single copy of, for example, he has a Harpie/Blackwing deck that he uses two prxoied Dark Simorghs when he doesn't own a single copy, hes a cheap JABRONI. He proxies Synchros he doesn't have. Nextly, he proxies cards that aren't even in English TCG format yet, (i.e. Infernity Beetle, Fuel Cell Batteryman, Blackfeather Dragon etc.) so whenever he does that, I scoop and call bullshit for that, so bascially all 10 of his decks are like this (avg. 8-9 proxies per deck) and I discussed with the others and we came to the argreemant that the next time he duels one of us, and uses a proxy without owning at least one real copy, we kick him out, with very harsh language, and whenever he plays a proxy of a card thats not in English format, we kick him out, so basically hes banned from playing with us forever the time he does this, is that justifiable? anyone agree?

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Not at all... He proxies OCG to see how the cards will work. He proxies cards he doesn't have because he plans on getting them or just wants to try them out before doing so...


If you get beaten because he is making his deck the way it should be made, then you have no room to talk if he beats you... After all, that's what you will be up against once he gets the cards.

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All the power to him. Screw Konami and their money hoarding ways! VIVA LA DUELISTS! VIVA LA DUELISTS!


By that logic, I should never go out and spend money on cards?


Rather I'll colour my own as best I can and remake every single card I want/need. Great plan o___o

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All the power to him. Screw Konami and their money hoarding ways! VIVA LA DUELISTS! VIVA LA DUELISTS!


By that logic' date=' I should never go out and spend money on cards?


Rather I'll colour my own as best I can and remake every single card I want/need. Great plan o___o



He means that the game is too expensive, some people don't have the money to buy a $40 piece of cardboard whenever they feel like it.

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Yeah I think whether you duel with his deck filled with proxies or the real thing eventually you will have to deal with those cards one way or another whether against him or another duelists. Personally I'm more collector than player, so I would want to use proxies instead of my real ones whenever possible. Plus you guys are just playing for fun. I would voice my opinion that its kind of unfair you dueling with cards that are not even out yet. I'm not your punching bag, but at the same time don't get mad at him for using proxies of existing cards in the TCG.

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All the power to him. Screw Konami and their money hoarding ways! VIVA LA DUELISTS! VIVA LA DUELISTS!


By that logic' date=' I should never go out and spend money on cards?


Rather I'll colour my own as best I can and remake every single card I want/need. Great plan o___o



Apparently dueling online no longer exists. :S

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When I was younger, I used to play with proxies of custom cards against proxies of custom cards. It was lolzy for a while, until everything turned broken (like the lol you lose cards).

It was effectively a way of being more creative and cunning than your opponent.

Picture if there was an online dueling site where we could USE the custom cards we made here to play (gets shot with 53 and a half shotguns, dipped in oil and burned, diced into pieces, made into a smoothie, and then attached to a rocket set for a course to the sun).

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Proxies are an iffy thing. To me, it's all about the intent. I do, and have no problem when other do, proxy a card to see how it works in a deck, so I can then go and get the real card.


But the intent to get the real card must, at least in my opinion, be there. Proxies are annoying in real life cards. Don't want to pay? That's cool, go play online.

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Bring another deck thats made out of 40 proxies and own him into the ground. D:


But yeah' date=' That would bother me too.



dude...this is just a no....


First of all... since you are using Proxies you shouldnt get on his case about using proxies... UNLESS he doesnt know the OCG for his Proxie.... THEN you can call foul.....

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Outside of a tournament I view all play as deck testing (even in a tournament I often think this too). So if I have a cool deck idea I want to try but don't have the cards for it I'll proxy to find out if the deck works or not. People don't mind this because EVERYONE has this mentality and everyone does this outside of a tournament.

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did yvd + laptops get rid of all thus need for proxying


No. A virtual shuffle actually randomises the order of cards in the deck. A real life shuffle will always have one or two cards sticking together. After a real shuffle a lot of the cards in the deck are still in the same order they were at the start of the shuffle.

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All the power to him. Screw Konami and their money hoarding ways! VIVA LA DUELISTS! VIVA LA DUELISTS!


By that logic' date=' I should never go out and spend money on cards?


Rather I'll colour my own as best I can and remake every single card I want/need. Great plan o___o



He means that the game is too expensive, some people don't have the money to buy a $40 piece of cardboard whenever they feel like it.



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I never proxy cards, as I practically never need to.


Only time I do is when I wanna test an OCG card that's about 4 weeks from a TCG release, just to see if I want it later or not.

did yvd + laptops get rid of all thus need for proxying


No. A virtual shuffle actually randomises the order of cards in the deck. A real life shuffle will always have one or two cards sticking together. After a real shuffle a lot of the cards in the deck are still in the same order they were at the start of the shuffle.


I agree, virtual shuffle > IRL shuffle. Clear superiority.

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I used to proxy now and then, mostly for deck testing or if I'm just lacking the cards IRL to complete a casual deck. I think it depends on why something's being proxied. There's

- "Oh, I need X card to finish this deck, so I'll proxy it"

And then there's

-I dont have Mirror Force, so Proxy time!


Synchros and Fusions I believe can be shamelessly proxied. Powerful staples like Mirror Force in a noob's deck I've always been iffy about, but technically I shouldn't see anything wrong with it. I think that's just been my "superiority" mentality that I picked up several years ago, but have since parted with: A player who sucks shouldn't use really good cards if they dont actually own them.


Cards not in the TCG are fine, so long as the players agree proxies (in general) are legal. I proxied the Infernity cards to test them out, for example. The trick is to make sure the proxy is labeled properly, depending on HOW it's proxied (effect/name/stats on paper, or actual printouts).


So, proxies are fine unless they're blatantly only being used to be overpowering. The Dark Simorgh example sounds like it might just be proxying for a huge advantage than for the sake of a good deck.

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