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Self Drawn Archfiend


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Ohhi Bud-ahy : )!


Good stuff:

Very creative, the patterns ext. i like the forearms. And the porportions are well


Other stuff:


well, uh, theres quite a bit.


to start, when your drawing a pattern, try as hard as you can to keep the lines from touching.

since all of the lines where the skin is is thiker and darker, it throws the body off, try to use the same size lines throughout (personaly, i prefer a .5 lead mech pencil, It makes my artwork sweat and sexy!)


the leg on the right looks out of wack at the part were the armor and skin meet. the armor MUST always overlap the skin to create the effect corecctly.


the headl ooks ok, but the horn are mega weird. it looks like it thikens the farther out it goes. the trick is to do the same thing with the armour, only the skin overlaps the horns.


lastly, please erase after you ink



so, pretty nice. apply these tactics next time you draw, and you should see quite thi inprovement! for any more help, pm me, k?


Keep it up man!

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Guest JoshIcy

Not fleshy enough to be an archfiend =/


thats why i wasnt sure what if it was or not' date='


Also u can list some critique cause i know you have some



Eh... Sorry. Yeah I do, but for some reason Im feeling really lazy. And due to the lack of shading (only bold lines for emphasis) and it being a sketch I'll ignore perspective.


- Your foot/legs are off. The pose is fine but the lower leg doesn't come into view, nor is the overall pose menacing enough. Thus, the viewer cannot tell how that leg is standing or even if it's clawed like the other one. Granted that's more of a shape changer (due to the raw size of the creature), it's still pretty important.


- The shoulder parts, it's a hard shape; so I can't tell if it's a flesh missile or fire. It's more annoying as it could be weapons too. The overall look of it is undefined ._."


- Next part is that the face doesn't feel full enough. So you mess with that as you will.


Nyah... You did alright I suppose. There's more and I'd probably show you myself (like Jappio does), but not exactly in the best state of mind right now.

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Ya cause thats real helpful and evreything quire-bait


Tell me exactly whats wrong so i can improve the next time' date='



tl;dr On my behaf then, cause i told you exactly what to do to inprove. Sadly, im not going to shorten it for you, your just going to have to read the hole thing were i point out what you did wrong: )

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