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NEW coming back Sig.. would love comments and CnC


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It's cool, but (oh no, a but)...


The render/focal looks a bit too clurry (and his leg is odd)


and WTH is that weird ball thing near his leg...


Other than that, a smudgy brush and some splatters, seems to give a cool effect, but it's colours are a bit... dunno...


It's still good though =3

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Monotone. Fuzzy ball thing is distracting. Outer black is too plain and kills the image. Text could be alot better. Overall. Nothing amazing. Maybe its just me but' date=' dont really like it.



okayy thanks for the honest CnC..


i know the text isnt really too good.. but i just felt kinda empty without it and it needed something more to take up that empty space.


but thanks :)

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