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List of broken (or OP'ed) SPECIFIC Synchros

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But seriously' date=' rescue cat = 2800 beater with a control effect? How is that not broken.


Even without Goyo's effect, hes still Oped.



gaia knight iz brokn 2 becuz hiz atk iz 2 hi and he iz eazy 2 sumon

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although i'd love to run one' date=' the Inti-Quilla-Inti-Quilla thing looks pretty broken... im thinking of Skill Drain + Imperial Iron Wall + these two = facerape.


IIW is the broken part of that combo. Remove that and the combo isn't what it is now.


Brionac is fairly OP but lost some power with Zombies being hit (can still OTK out the wazoo though)' date=' Goyo isn't OP, but it's ATK should be lower. Stardust isn't OP at all, it is an example of pure goodness that isn't OP...


Goyo is an easy summon giant beatstick that runs over almost all other monsters in the game.


Stardust makes a large part of the opponent's deck useless. Stardust allows the controler to overextend with out fear, in short, promotes bad playing which is bad for the game.


Oh' date=' I also forgot, Ally of Justice Catastor. If you disagree, leave.


Caster is a synchro specific.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


And what about toolbox? One, not all decks run toolbok, so should those decks loss just because they can't play it. Two, even if they did counter Stardust, again counterability doesn't equal balance


The whole idea of having being able to special summon a monster from the extra deck with just a tuner and one other monster seems overpowered to me. I wish they never created synchros.


Assuming no other cards are used on papar a synchro is a -1 that can take a turn to set up. Really if you look though the synchro line up we have it isn't that amazing. Sure we have some broken monsters' date=' but most are only good.


The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro, send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.

Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.

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How about Arcanite? Gol'Gar? Unicor? Gungnir? Any of those "broken"? Come on' date=' try SOMETHING



Arcanite isn't generic, and is worse than most other synchros unless you summon it in a spell-counter situation, then it's god.


This topic is about non-generics...



My view on Stardust is that saying, "I have no removal other than destruction and can't get over 2500 ATK" is on par with saying "My Deck runs only Traps" and using it for justification that Jinzo is broken. I consider Stardust an important part of the game, like some argue Heavy is, in that it encourages people to think carefully about not including those important features in their Deck.


Just an opinion, mind you.



The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

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the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

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The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

Yea it isn't really, but other cards, again Horus, don't need anything to use the effect. And yea he is easier, but still has limited use.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

Counter ability =/= balance. I've been saying that. And even so you shouldn't be forced to play around it.


How to you plan on getting a stick out. assuming we're talking about a good list most of the easy summon sticks would be gone.

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The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

Yea it isn't really, but other cards, again Horus, don't need anything to use the effect. And yea he is easier, but still has limited use.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

Counter ability =/= balance. I've been saying that. And even so you shouldn't be forced to play around it.


How to you plan on getting a stick out. assuming we're talking about a good list most of the easy summon sticks would be gone.


I play defender and hit stardust with shrink while attacking during the damage step.


simple. effective.

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The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

Yea it isn't really, but other cards, again Horus, don't need anything to use the effect. And yea he is easier, but still has limited use.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

Counter ability =/= balance. I've been saying that. And even so you shouldn't be forced to play around it.


How to you plan on getting a stick out. assuming we're talking about a good list most of the easy summon sticks would be gone.


When the thing that countering it is "Battle" or "Non-Destruction removal", then the counter is vauge enough that Counterability does affect Balance. If the Counter is, say, 1 card, or a select few cards, like those that will stop CED before he nukes everything, then the factor is that SO LITTLE can counter him that it actually attribute to his un-balanced-ness. There's a sliding scale of counter-ability. A card being on the scale doesn't affect it's balance. WHERE on the scale it is does.

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Let me cover something quick that may not matter too much.


Gungnir is not broken partly due to his summing conditions but mostly because his cost is for destruction and more easily stopped than bouncing, spinning, or rfp'ing. If you call prio and discard 2 and you get BTH'ed, Torrential'ed, etc, you just lose hand advantage.


Unicor is extremely easy to get around.

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The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

Yea it isn't really, but other cards, again Horus, don't need anything to use the effect. And yea he is easier, but still has limited use.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

Counter ability =/= balance. I've been saying that. And even so you shouldn't be forced to play around it.


How to you plan on getting a stick out. assuming we're talking about a good list most of the easy summon sticks would be gone.


I play defender and hit stardust with shrink while attacking during the damage step.


simple. effective.

Stardust isn't dead since it's a Defender. You at least could have done that example with other monsters.


Again what are the odds your going to have Shrink when they have out their Stardust. Add on the fact that they could prtect their Stardust making it hard to remove.


When the thing that countering it is "Battle" or "Non-Destruction removal"' date=' then the counter is vauge enough that Counterability [u']does[/u] affect Balance. If the Counter is, say, 1 card, or a select few cards, like those that will stop CED before he nukes everything, then the factor is that SO LITTLE can counter him that it actually attribute to his un-balanced-ness. There's a sliding scale of counter-ability. A card being on the scale doesn't affect it's balance. WHERE on the scale it is does.

This is a fair argument. However Stardust isn't as easy to destroy as say an 1800 ATK monster. Add on that on a good list most of the monsters that can run over Stardust with ease are banned only makes that case for him worse.

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Ally of Justice Catastor

Black Rose Dragon

Blackwing Armor Master

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Colossal Fighter

Dark End Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Stardust Dragon

Tempest Magician (in its own deck)

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

XX-Saber Gottoms (in its own deck)


These too me are really the only problematic Synchros, but these are basically generic anyways, which was too Konami's fault anyways

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The lvl 6 Naturia Synchro' date=' send the top 2 cards of your deck to the grave to negate a spell card (I think) very awesome, esspecially since it can be summoned in X-Sabers.


Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Except that milling isn't really a cost, it's another plus, and he's much easier to Summon.

Yea it isn't really, but other cards, again Horus, don't need anything to use the effect. And yea he is easier, but still has limited use.


the only thing I have to say is that I feel that stardust dragon is not OP' date=' it's just right, it protects from simple destruction at the cost of itself for the rest of the turn, and people who can't handle it don't play toolbox effects, simple as that.


You call that a cost? You still get it back next turn and you can repeat that all over again. And what is so simple about it? It stops most forms of monster removal decks run. Sure their are cards to get around him but does that doesn't balance him. And even if it did it isn't fair that your forced to have to play around him.


people play a lot of destruction normaly, it's true, but simple stuff like shrink and compulse get around it easily. people have tried to get away from battle as a factor, but it's the simplest way to get rid of problem monsters these days. just smack it with a stick.

Counter ability =/= balance. I've been saying that. And even so you shouldn't be forced to play around it.


How to you plan on getting a stick out. assuming we're talking about a good list most of the easy summon sticks would be gone.


I play defender and hit stardust with shrink while attacking during the damage step.


simple. effective.

Stardust isn't dead since it's a Defender. You at least could have done that example with other monsters.


Again what are the odds your going to have Shrink when they have out their Stardust. Add on the fact that they could prtect their Stardust making it hard to remove.


When the thing that countering it is "Battle" or "Non-Destruction removal"' date=' then the counter is vauge enough that Counterability [u']does[/u] affect Balance. If the Counter is, say, 1 card, or a select few cards, like those that will stop CED before he nukes everything, then the factor is that SO LITTLE can counter him that it actually attribute to his un-balanced-ness. There's a sliding scale of counter-ability. A card being on the scale doesn't affect it's balance. WHERE on the scale it is does.

This is a fair argument. However Stardust isn't as easy to destroy as say an 1800 ATK monster. Add on that on a good list most of the monsters that can run over Stardust with ease are banned only makes that case for him worse.


I had meant defender the magical knight btw.


and on your "good list", wouldn't stardust be banned anyway?

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The whole idea of having being able to special summon a monster from the extra deck with just a tuner and one other monster seems overpowered to me. I wish they never created synchros.


Look, Synchros are a -1.

That logic fails.


Armour Master and Gol'gar.

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Guest PikaPerson01
Stardust: RFP.


Awfully cheap cop out there, especially when not every single deck can afford to RFG at any given moment.


Also: Colossal Fighter is up there. He can bring himself/other warriors back, and has huge attack for a level 8 sync. Only downside, is hes an easy Smashing Ground.


I assume by "easy Smashing Ground" you mean he's destroyable by effects. Especially since Smashing Ground specifies highest defense, and I'm pretty sure he's stuck on 1000 defense. To that I say: "every single monster, with a handful of exceptions thrown here and there, is capable of being destroyed by effects. It's not a downside if every single card in existence has this downside."



Good, not broken. A good number of cards can negate spells at even less of a cost. Horus LV 8 is a great example.


Horus Lv 8 requires a good deal of deck dedication, and can cripple itself if the user ends up with awful hands (drawing too many Lv 6s, Lv8s, etc). Naturia Beast requires little deck dedication (zero, since it's a Synchro).


To be summoned however, it's deck dedication is very little, only about 6 or so Earth monsters required. It's summonable by just normal summoning Rescue Cat.


To summarize, Naturia Beast makes a large part of the opponent's deck useless. Naturia Beast allows the controler to do so much more then just overextend with out fear because while Stardust negates a small portion of a deck, Mirror Force, Torrential, Fissure, Lightning Vortex, Smashing Ground and others, Naturia Beast negates about 1/4th to 1/2 of a deck with barely even a cost, since sacrificing a Stardust may force a player to leave himself wide open to a direct attack, while Naturia Beast does not. Naturia Beast does so much more then Stardust with so much less of a cost, in short, it promotes bad playing which is bad for the game.

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The whole idea of having being able to special summon a monster from the extra deck with just a tuner and one other monster seems overpowered to me. I wish they never created synchros.


Look' date=' Synchros are a -1.

That logic fails.


Armour Master and Gol'gar.



And yet people still use them even though they -1 themselves. Why? Because they're overpowered, that's why.

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Guest PikaPerson01

The whole idea of having being able to special summon a monster from the extra deck with just a tuner and one other monster seems overpowered to me. I wish they never created synchros.


Look' date=' Synchros are a -1.

That logic fails.


Armour Master and Gol'gar.



And yet people still use them even though they -1 themselves. Why? Because they're overpowered, that's why.


Not to mention plenty of the combos they use before they Synchro Summon result in a +1 (Gravekeeper's Spy, Deep Sea Diva, D-Hero Malicious, Junk Synchron, Rescue Cat, Stratos, a Gadget) or Synchroing with certain monsters makes it a 1-for-1 (Sangan, Goblin Zombie).

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Saying that the Naturia's lvl 6 Synchro is balenced because there are other cards that do it for less of a cost doesn't mean much when it also mills your deck which is proven to speed up most decks. The cost is practically nothing and it's highly splashable.


Just a note, it's level 5.

Awesome in Xabers with Garsem+Palamo.

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