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Dark Signer Contest


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Time Limit(when all entries are filled): 1 1/2 months

Rules: (All of the following are required and must be original)

1.Must have a Dark Signer

2.Nazca Line(does not have to be real)

3.(1)Earthbound Immortal

4.(1)Dark Synchro

5.(1)Dark Tuner


(These cards' effects must be realated or suppotive to each other)


6. (10 or more) Monsters

7. (3 or more) Traps

8. (5 or more) Spells

9.Earthbound Immortal Chant of Summoning

(ex: Let all be used as sacrafice! Arise from your slumber, _____!!)



The judging will be done in 3 categories;


Originality 0 1 2 3 4 5

Creativity 0 1 2 3 4 5

Reality 0 1 2 3 4 5


Entry:10 points

Prize: (Depends on # of Entries)

Consolation Prize: 5 points


[spoiler=Contestants] Parion 555(has not paid yet)



If there are any confusions about what your Dark Signer requirements should be, an example for a Nazca Line, EI, and Dark Signer are on my signature.

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You need to have a dark signer picture(it can be a character from anything BUT MUST BE MODIFIED TO LOOK LIKE ONE!)


You need a Dark Synchro and Dark Tuner monster. (If you can't purchase one of your dark synchro monsters a frame and star color, It will be fine as long as it has the dark synchro monster has the right effect. The tuner must all also not be able to be used to summon a regular synchro monster)


You need an earthbound immortal monster with the same effects as others. You also need white lines on a black backround to look like nazca lines on a different picture (example on my sig.)


Your E. I. needs a summon chant(EXAMPLE ABOVE)


The rest is self explanitory.

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