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Left 4 Dead 2

Lazer Yoshi

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Playing online sucks when playing with idiots.


Witch crying somewhere in the marsh. I pull out my shotgun.

"Okay, guys, go in quietly, back me up while I kill it."

My friend beside me says okay, the player online said okay, and we made it clear to the guy without the headset that I was going to shoot it.

I find the witch, everyone stops as I walk up to it, then suddenly the guy without a headset runs up and tries to take the kill with his AK-47, he misses. >.>

"WHAT THE funk!?" - The girl over Live.

"Why the hell did you do that!?" - My friend.

"You're a funking idiot." - Me.


We all got slaughtered as the Witch screamed and zombies came rushing at us.

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I love L4D2! I don't have a 360 or the game, so I only get to play it occasionally at my friend's house. I wish I could one day play a round with someone who doesn't fuc* everything up. Not saying I'm perfect, but I'm the kind of person who sticks to the plan, or at least tries to in light of certain other people (my friend, who lives to go rogue).


How about the 4th Campaign, where half the level is going backwards the way you came? That threw me for a loop. I must say, that was probably one of the best backtracking levels in the history of gaming. Everything felt almost completely different, and the shortcuts actually came into play. It was fantastic! Usually I get irritated when developers pull that "reverse-level" crap, but Valve really pulled it off. Well done.


To date, we haven't finished the Parish Campaign. We didn't even get past that main street; when I showed my friend online the "Still Alive" jukebox Easter Egg, he wouldn't leave the bar area until he could get that song to play. After standing around/dying for about half an hour, he quit playing and we didn't get to finish.

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Mine is THREE MINMAN. It's my dad's account and me, him, and my sister share it since he won't spring for more than one. I personally love using a sniper rifle to shoot a witch several times from a distance while she's charging at me.


ANECDOTE: Me and my friend were going along through The Parish and we had just killed a tank, which killed our allies, and used up the last of our shotgun shots. A witch was directly in our path and him and I were both under 10hp and there were several medkits and defibs on the other side. We were thinking "funk! Seriously!?" Anyway, we looked around for something to kill her with and all we found was a chainsaw. We weren't sure if it would do enough damage to take her down so we were taking a gamble. It was either that or we bleed down to 1hp and a regular zombie incaps us. So he run up to her (she was one of the ones that was sitting down) and just chainsawed the hell out of her. We didn't know it would instantly kill her and we just stood there amazed. We healed up, grabbed the defibs, healed our allies, and then I finally spoke up saying "Do you think that counted as crowning?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing online sucks when playing with idiots.


Witch crying somewhere in the marsh. I pull out my shotgun.

"Okay' date=' guys, go in quietly, back me up while I kill it."

My friend beside me says okay, the player online said okay, and we made it clear to the guy without the headset that I was going to shoot it.

I find the witch, everyone stops as I walk up to it, then suddenly the guy without a headset runs up and tries to take the kill with his AK-47, he misses. >.>

"WHAT THE f***!?" - The girl over Live.

"Why the hell did you do that!?" - My friend.

"You're a f***ing idiot." - Me.


We all got slaughtered as the Witch screamed and zombies came rushing at us.


He could of just disabled voices, y'know.


Anyways, I always play the demo of this with friends. Since it's a "new adventure every time" I feel no need to get the full game. :S

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Playing online sucks when playing with idiots.


Witch crying somewhere in the marsh. I pull out my shotgun.

"Okay' date=' guys, go in quietly, back me up while I kill it."

My friend beside me says okay, the player online said okay, and we made it clear to the guy without the headset that I was going to shoot it.

I find the witch, everyone stops as I walk up to it, then suddenly the guy without a headset runs up and tries to take the kill with his AK-47, he misses. >.>

"WHAT THE f***!?" - The girl over Live.

"Why the hell did you do that!?" - My friend.

"You're a f***ing idiot." - Me.


We all got slaughtered as the Witch screamed and zombies came rushing at us.


He could of just disabled voices, y'know.


Anyways, I always play the demo of this with friends. Since it's a "new adventure every time" I feel no need to get the full game. :S


What exactly does the demo allow you to do?

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