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issue? sorry im kinda new to ygo



Toon Dark Magician Girl came in a magazine called Shonen Jump. Every month or so a YGO card that hasn't be released yet it included in the book. TDMG came out about 3 years ago and the only place I can imagine getting the card is through the internet.

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Hey' date=' umm.. does anyone know where i can get a Toon Dark Magician Girl, like without [b']eBay[/b] or tearing up my house just to find my bro traded it? Whoever gives me the first answer will get 3+reps thanx



You specifically said Ebay, not other online stores. I'm not sure you can buy it at the store. It's an old jump promo.

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It's just Korean -.-


And even I can't read it.


Actually, I can read YGO cards, which have tiny writing, but i can't read KOrean books that have text about 5 times the size of a YGO card's title XD


Anyways, I dunno about english versions.


Most english card's I've seen are fakes, it's so damn easy to tell.

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p.s. Xion doesnt have any toons :( ... TO MY BROS FRIEND!!!

I have a toon BEWD.... Or BETD you could call it.

I'm working on rounding up some support. I can ask Morgan and Dalton. AJ might have some.


lol i didnt know dalton and AJ play yugimanz? lol

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Also, AJ doesan't really know how to play, and he's hard to trade with.

But for a friend, I'll try my best.

Also, please stop double posting.

At the bottom righthand conrner of your post, there's an 'edit' button. Use that. Unless it's for a bump.

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