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Custom Keyblade, Broken Heart


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LQ is LOW QUALITY if you saved it as JPG ITS LOW QUALITY (ohh right, sorry for caps, but im angry at art-noobs) IF YOU SAVE IT AS PNG its HQ (HIGH QUALITY) if you say you can't do good things in paint, should i link you something people can't even do in photoshop? also, the keyblade is horrible, i meant, you should draw one yourself, not take some images and put them together, i mean, the crop is awfull too.

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Gizmo: It's called splicing' date=' fusion, etc. It's done with sprites all the time.

Everyone: It's LQ, alright, he gets it.

[b']LiAM and Bucket: No, it's not made from scratch, k?[/b]


Why you including me D=


Didn't you read my posts :'(


Ofcourse I know it's not from scratch xD

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