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is it just me, or are spellcasters becoming...

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addicted to spell counters.


I have been barely seeing any spellcasters recently that are outside an archtype/ archtype support that doesn't have an ability that relates to spellcounters.


I mean, I run a citadel deck, I like the whole "recycle power" it has going, but does anybody want to see spell power grasp become the de-facto "spellcaster toolbox recharge" card? village decks have to play with ether old casters that don't compare to today's monsters with the exception of kycoo and summoner monk, or play a half-assed spellcounter under-theme, which weakens it's focus a bit.


regardless, discuss the spellcster archtypes, spell-counter mechianics, and the lack of new decent casters that don't fall into a archtype or an eqiualent decktype.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild, and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..


I want something like this

Level 4

Spellcaster - Effect

1900 ATK/1000 DEF

Once per turn, you place 1 Spell Counter on 1 appropriate card on your side of the feild.


Or even something like a spell that has this:

Spell - Normal

Remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to Special Summon 1 Spellcaster type monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot attack this turn.


Or at least some form of draw power like:

Spell - Continuous

You can remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to draw 1 card from your Deck.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..


I want something like this

Level 4

Spellcaster - Effect

1900 ATK/1000 DEF

Once per turn, you place 1 Spell Counter on 1 appropriate card on your side of the feild.


Or even something like a spell that has this:

Spell - Normal

Remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to Special Summon 1 Spellcaster type monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot attack this turn.


Or at least some form of draw power like:

Spell - Continuous

You can remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to draw 1 card from your Deck.



Don't power Tundo FTK even more! >___>


Spell Counters have their drawpower: Royal Magical Library

Whether it's good or not, many kinds of decks still lack any non-generic drawpower at all. >___>

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..


I want something like this

Level 4

Spellcaster - Effect

1900 ATK/1000 DEF

Once per turn, you place 1 Spell Counter on 1 appropriate card on your side of the feild.


Or even something like a spell that has this:

Spell - Normal

Remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to Special Summon 1 Spellcaster type monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot attack this turn.


Or at least some form of draw power like:

Spell - Continuous

You can remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to draw 1 card from your Deck.



in a spell counter deck, JD CAN'T wipe the field with just one burst. defender just refuses to die, and he saves the rest of the casters as well.

and if your spell counter deck is too slow, your doing it wrong.


certainly now, since LS have lost a good chunk of their speed, and meta-level spell-counter decksare very consistant.



and spell power grasp will not be in the deck long enough to make it a dead draw, as each copy searches out the next.


but I have to agree, if we use the speed spells as a base, we could make a decent set of spell counter using spell spells, with the best having the statement "this spell card does not count as a spell card when played." so they don't recharge what they took.

and two spell counters for a draw is far to cheep.


exemplar draw loop anyone?

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I want something like this

Level 4

Spellcaster - Effect

1900 ATK/1000 DEF

Once per turn' date=' you place 1 Spell Counter on 1 appropriate card on your side of the feild.

[b']Crusader of Endymion. It even gets an ATK boost.[/b]


Or even something like a spell that has this:

Spell - Normal

Remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to Special Summon 1 Spellcaster type monster from your Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot attack this turn.

B is for bold. It's also for BROKIN.


Or at least some form of draw power like:

Spell - Continuous

You can remove 2 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the feild to draw 1 card from your Deck.

Arcane Barrier. Works wonders when run with Apprentice.

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Metagross PWNS U ALL!!!




Yes' date=' psychics own, but they need more variety, otherwise they will get




Overall, we need more variety in our psychic and spellcaster friends. (Psychics are like spellcaster fused with machines meet matrix).

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


If you fail to win before your opponent has the chance to use JD's effect, then your deck is too slow.

People do not DESERVE to lose, as much as I deserve a billion dollars.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


If you fail to win before your opponent has the chance to use JD's effect, then your deck is too slow.

People do not DESERVE to lose, as much as I deserve a billion dollars.


Your deck doesn't have to be that fast. You just have to have a counter for JD when he comes out. If you are banking your victory on a topdeck, it means that you played the game wrong up to that point, and you should lose.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


So what you are saying is that people who cannot afford to get said counters to JD or who just started the game deserve to lose?


People do not deserve to lose, as much as people do not deserve to win. It is not a right.


On the other hand, if you want to lose, like when my opponent attacked my chimeratech overdragon with 12000 attack points with a newdoria, well...


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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


So what you are saying is that people who cannot afford to get said counters to JD or who just started the game deserve to lose?


People do not deserve to lose, as much as people do not deserve to win. It is not a right.


On the other hand, if you want to lose, like when my opponent attacked my chimeratech overdragon with 12000 attack points with a newdoria, well...



Thanks for fighting someone who was disagreeing with theed. >___>

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.


How about the cases where JD comes out on turn 2? It DOES happen.


Plus, you can have a consistent deck without a counter to JD. In fact, it makes one's deck MORE consistent to not waste deck space on one card.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.


How about the cases where JD comes out on turn 2? It DOES happen.


Plus, you can have a consistent deck without a counter to JD. In fact, it makes one's deck MORE consistent to not waste deck space on one card.


This is why I got myself a copy of royal oppression for my side deck.

Also, starlight road is relatively useful in the metagame, it is a plus 1 instant stardust dragon that already negated a nuke effect such as lightning, heavy storm, jd, mirror force, black rose, or otherwise.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.


How about the cases where JD comes out on turn 2? It DOES happen.


Plus, you can have a consistent deck without a counter to JD. In fact, it makes one's deck MORE consistent to not waste deck space on one card.


This is why I got myself a copy of royal oppression for my side deck.

Also, starlight road is relatively useful in the metagame, it is a plus 1 instant stardust dragon that already negated a nuke effect such as lightning, heavy storm, jd, mirror force, black rose, or otherwise.


However, there is no gurantee that a consistent deck can draw any counter to JD by turn 2, unless the whole deck (barring 6 cards at the most) was simply cards that stop JD.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.


How about the cases where JD comes out on turn 2? It DOES happen.


Plus, you can have a consistent deck without a counter to JD. In fact, it makes one's deck MORE consistent to not waste deck space on one card.


This is why I got myself a copy of royal oppression for my side deck.

Also, starlight road is relatively useful in the metagame, it is a plus 1 instant stardust dragon that already negated a nuke effect such as lightning, heavy storm, jd, mirror force, black rose, or otherwise.


However, there is no gurantee that a consistent deck can draw any counter to JD by turn 2, unless the whole deck (barring 6 cards at the most) was simply cards that stop JD.


That is why people run anti-meta decks, which can be fast enough to beat meta decks. However, due to the high proportion of lightsworn copy-pasta decks and varients out there, one might as well focus on countering other meta decks in your deck as well as going for the win yourself.

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Too slow. If JD nukes your feild' date=' and you have to get a draw that can save you, and you get citadel, or spell power grasp, than you should realize that you shouldn't be using a spell counter deck..



If you allow JD to nuke everything you set up during that duel, then you deserve to lose.


So, you ALWAYS have MBaaS/Solemn/Divine Wrath/etc. face-down against LS, and said cards can actually survive long enough for said cards to stop JD's nuke, or you diserve to lose.


Exactly. By the time JD hits the field you should: 1)have a counter for him, or 2) your deck should be able to survive against him. If you can't do any of those 2 things, your deck is inconsistant. Granted JD is broken, but it doesn't change the fact that he is still in the game.


How about the cases where JD comes out on turn 2? It DOES happen.


Plus, you can have a consistent deck without a counter to JD. In fact, it makes one's deck MORE consistent to not waste deck space on one card.


2)Your deck should be able to survive against him.


No, you're right. Solemn, MBAAS, Bottomless, Starlight Road, hell even Divine Wrath, are all cards that are strong against JD, but horrible against anything else.

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