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Machine Archetype Boss Monsters

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Maybe Field Marshal for AoJ.


Anyway' date=' having used Machina Fortress in WC10, I can say that there is some sort of deck begging to be built around that guy. Its only other [s']Machina[/s] Machiner would probably be Gearframe as a searcher, and it would be based on continuously recycling Machina Fortress. Gadgets could be used to keep hand advantage. You know what? I'm going to gather up a ton of DP and go make that deck right now.


Made it. Trashed story with it. Got bored half way through because it made story too easy. Repeat process with 4 other Decks.

This. Although I think I need a second set of Gadgets...

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Maybe Field Marshal for AoJ.


Anyway' date=' having used Machina Fortress in WC10, I can say that there is some sort of deck begging to be built around that guy. Its only other [s']Machina[/s] Machiner would probably be Gearframe as a searcher, and it would be based on continuously recycling Machina Fortress. Gadgets could be used to keep hand advantage. You know what? I'm going to gather up a ton of DP and go make that deck right now.


Made it. Trashed story with it. Got bored half way through because it made story too easy. Repeat process with 4 other Decks.

This. Although I think I need a second set of Gadgets...


I ran 9 Gadgets. With Scrap Recycler and Gearframe almost ensuring you have a Fortress, there are no dead draws.

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