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[Disc] Seven Tools of the Bandit

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It's quite restrictive, but I hate Traps almost more than Spells. Though, USUALLY, the opponent only has 6 or so Traps in their Deck. So I'd side this at the most.


We also have MBaaS, which I like better than Solemn or Bribe at the current moment, since I have three, Solemn was hit, and Bribe can make my opponent get something to counter me.

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Dark Bribe might be a -1' date=' but it works not only Traps, well, either way Seven Tools is outclassed, and I'm not sure Starlight will be as tough as to make you need this card




Agree with this completely. Seven Tools isn't good enough to be playable; i would use 3 Dark Bribes before i consider this.

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Meh. I still disagree. There are going to be a lot of decks this format that run 12-15 traps and a lot more of them are going to be critical plays.


Siding this would help certain decks a lot as this is a slightly slower format.

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Solemn > Dark Bribe > Seven Tools


Anyhow' date=' Tools only effects traps and you have to pay life.


Dark bribe works on spell and traps and you opponent draws a card.


Solemn just stops anything but you pay with half of your life points.



I think Bribe has a SLIGHT edge in that, Solemn can be EXTREMELY costly

but as far as bandit goes, Yugi used it so it must be good *is shot*

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