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My new deck......Sorry its probably not the awesomest

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Just wanted you to know this deck is formally made so that i can hold off my opponent long enough to draw my Clocktower Prison and get Dreadmaster to the field.Then i can get him to unlimited attack since if 2 Dreadmasters are on the field their attacks keep raising and raising for each one raising the other giving them infinity. Also, yes i did put 60 cards. AND YES I KNOW IM NO PRO ON YUGIOH!



Vanitys Fiend x1

Summoned Skull x1

Alien Hunter x1

Destiny Hero- Dasher x3

Millenium Scorpion x1

Needle Burrower x1

Invader of Darkness x1

Destiny Hero- Dogma x3

Barrier Statue of the Abyss x1

Gladiator Beast Secutor x1

Gladiator Beast Bestiari x1

Destiny Hero- Diamond Dude x1

Destiny Hero- Defender x2

Destiny Hero- Fear Monger x2

Cloudian- Poison Cloud x1

Night Assasilant x2

Destiny Hero- Captain Tenacious x3

Destiny Hero- Doom Lord x3

Destiny Hero- Dreadmaster x2



"A" Cell Scatter Burst x1

Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd x1

Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius x1

Different Dimension Capsule x2

Graceful Charity x1

Magical Mallet x2

Pot of Greed x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Clock Tower Prison x2

Corruption Cell "A" x1

Monster Reborn x1

Pot of Avarice x1

Dark City x1



Detonator Circle "A" x1

Cell Explosion Virus x1

Destiny Signal x1

Accumulated Fortune x1

Jar of Greed x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Hidden Book of Spell x1

The Transmigration Prophecy x1

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Straight Flush x1

Trap Jammer x1

Chain Detonation x3

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Well' date=' at least you are honest.



uh...do u know what comments are?this is the 30th time ive seen a bad comment...



but your deck needs a lot of fixes..even with clock tower prison havent ya heard of Heavy storm or MST or Dust tornado or even monster effects that destroy spells...you deck is just soo random Glad Beasts dont work with heros..heros dont work with Aliens..and randomness works nil...if this is a stall deck then y is there no monarch,..

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And yet nobody pointed out that what little strategy he has, doesn't work ... Dreadmasters effect reads and i quote


If this card was Special Summoned by "Clock Tower Prison", destroy all monsters you control (except for "Destiny Hero" monsters), then you can Special Summon up to 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters from your Graveyard. During the turn this card is Special Summoned, "Destiny Hero" monsters you control cannot be destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage when they battle. The ATK and DEF of this card are equal to the combined original ATK of all "Destiny Hero" monsters you control (except this card).


I bolded the relevant part. Dreadmasters ORIGINAL ATK is undefined. Which is treated as 0 per the rules of the game. So when you have a second dreadmaster, it will add 0 ATK to your first dreadmaster and vice versa. Both dreadmasters will still only be as strong as the sum on the ATK's of the other Destiny heroes on your field.


There are better uses for clocktower prison. The dreaded ClockDown deck is one of my favourite creations. It uses a lot of stall and negation to set up and protect a clock. By doing that you take no battle damage anymore and you just sit there (well you'll have to negate some s/t removal) until they deck out or you can activate a Final Countdown or Wave-motion cannon.

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