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Well, welcome plus several things...


1. Have fun

The internet games and forums exist to have fun.

2. Don't say mean stuff

You want reps don't you?

3. First, go to News and then click Rules. If you don't look you'll get banned by the moderators-in a manner, the police officers of YCM. Baninng happens if you don't look there. If you do, it won't happen.


I say this around to every new member in order to stop the mods from banning. But anyways welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone' date=' I first saw this forum a long time ago (it was years) but I hadn't registered until today, I will give my best to create a lot of original and interesting cards to all of you and also will be seeing yours!!:D




Hello, and welcome, if you need any help at all PM me, or message me! Good luck, follow the rules and have fun!

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  • 10 months later...

Wow i hate myself for this......

I got myself in here and everything but haven't done anything. :(

Well I'd like to blame college for this because it had kept me pretty busy lately

Oh an ghost rider, I saw that you find my username funny, well that's been my nickname since elementary and, well I'm mexican so my grammar is because my english teachers had hammered it into me <_<

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