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Tewi Inaba! (Disc on Inaba White Rabbit)

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I used to use this card back during my eighth grade (about 7 years ago)' date=' now I usually make themed Decks, but this is fun. I still find people that don't know what to do against it, I think one of them activated Solemn one time xD



Lol. And good evening Sleepy.


Anyhow, I can't really think of a good deck for this lil critter besides Moja. Any ideas?

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Hooray for Touhou finding its way into another topic :3c




On Topic - In any case, compared to the other monsters that can attack directly, this one being a Spirit gives it that ability of protecting itself to be seen in a future turn instead of dying from another attack.


A little assassin this bunny is.


I guess the one thing to point out is that this cannot attack a monster, unlike most other "attack directly" monsters. It states "this monster attacks your opponent's life points directly".

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