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The Chuck Norris club


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Wanted somewhere to talk about anything but couldn't find one on this entire section that has just exactly that very club objective? Then you've come to the right place my friend.


To be serious though, this club does have expectations and limits[laughs] you can obviously talk about anything but to do with these topics.


- Anything


Main Topics

- Anime & Manga


- Screenwriting


- Martial Art / Action Movies


- Chuck Norris



Chuck Norris


Chuck Norris' Student



Chuck Norris' Gaurds



Chuck Norris' pupils







Location: [Not nesicarry]


Do you write Screenplays?:


If no would you be interested in learning?:


Your favourite Anime & Manga?:


Do you <3 Chuck Norris?:



[spoiler=Club Set]


Level and Deploy

When this card is Summoned you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 face-up level 5 or below monster your opponent controls. Draw the same amount of cards from your Deck as the level of the destroyed monster, if you draw a Trap Card, discard it. When this card is selected as an attack target you can draw 1 card from your Deck and pay x100 Life Points for the level of the drawn card, if a monster card, Special Summon it in face-up defence position and switch the attack target to the monster Summoned by this cards effect. If a Spell or Trap card discard it.



[spoiler=Fan Fic thread advertisments]




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