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A possible use for 60 card decks?

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A 60 card gladiator deck. Basically, you put less cards in your deck to increase the chance of drawing something good, but with gladiator beasts, there's no risk of missing it, you can always search for a better card.


On top of that, you won't get killed by deckout.

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A 60 card gladiator deck. Basically' date=' you put less cards in your deck to increase the chance of drawing something good, but with gladiator beasts, there's no risk of missing it, you can always search for a better card.


On top of that, you won't get killed by deckout.


You can't tag out spells and traps.


How could you deckout if you have to put something back to get out another monster?


There's really no point.


You can draw the right card at the right time with 40 easier.

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i got gimped man. that was such a sweet play too. i filled his field with shallow grave, and via book of eclipse made him pull 5, then on his standby sunlight-eclipse-sunlight-moon-acid for funking 25 more cards.

and he still had 3 left in deck.

i couldnt figure it out.

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LS mill alot. Does that warrant running more than 40? No. Of course it doesnt.


60 card decks are what you see the little kids running. Unless your running 57 monsters and 3 Magical Merchant. with Skull Servants and Jinzo Returner. theres no point


Magical Merchant doesn't work unless you run into a Spell/Trap before running out of cards. Otherwise, a replay is caused and everything is put pack.

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LS mill alot. Does that warrant running more than 40? No. Of course it doesnt.


60 card decks are what you see the little kids running. Unless your running 57 monsters and 3 Magical Merchant. with Skull Servants and Jinzo Returner. theres no point


Magical Merchant doesn't work unless you run into a Spell/Trap before running out of cards. Otherwise' date=' a replay is caused and everything is put pack.



I heard a ruling that if there are no Spell or Trap cards in your Deck. your entire deck is sent to the Grave and nothing happens



If you pick up your entire Deck and there were no Spell or Trap Cards' date=' then "Magical Merchant"'s effect disappears.



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Guest PikaPerson01

The problem with a 60 card Glad Deck is that spell and traps are still far and away some of the best cards in the game. Your deck would be completely lost once your opponent got out a monster with higher then 2400 attack (to jump over Hoplomus's defense) and a 2400 stick isn't hard to come by, especially in the age of Synchros.

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The problem with a 60 card Glad Deck is that spell and traps are still far and away some of the best cards in the game. Your deck would be completely lost once your opponent got out a monster with higher then 2400 attack (to jump over Hoplomus's defense) and a 2400 stick isn't hard to come by' date=' especially in the age of Synchros.



War chariot recycle with samnite/equeste?

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Guest PikaPerson01

And you get out War Chariot... how?


Your deck is cluttered with 20 cards that shouldn't be there, making drawing War Chariot much more difficult, and Samnite can't get the ball rolling when he's only got 1600 attack and can't destroy anything in battle.

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LS mill alot. Does that warrant running more than 40? No. Of course it doesnt.


60 card decks are what you see the little kids running. Unless your running 57 monsters and 3 Magical Merchant. with Skull Servants and Jinzo Returner. theres no point


Magical Merchant doesn't work unless you run into a Spell/Trap before running out of cards. Otherwise' date=' a replay is caused and everything is put pack.



I heard a ruling that if there are no Spell or Trap cards in your Deck. your entire deck is sent to the Grave and nothing happens



If you pick up your entire Deck and there were no Spell or Trap Cards' date=' then "Magical Merchant"'s effect disappears.




Effect disappearing doesn't mean you resolve the picking up part then put everything into grave, it means you shuffle up the cards you picked up after showing your opponent there's no spells or traps.

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