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We've all seen/had them (Fail Moments)

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Most monster destructions I have are traps that are triggered when monsters attack.


The exceptions are Offerings to the Doomed and Lightning vortex.



So it goes like this: I have 29 cards in my deck, consumed all my Offerings and Lightnings, and my opponent had Marshmallon.


I lost by deck out...IN 29 TURNS!

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I remember one time I was using my X-Sabers against a Skill Drain Deck and I had a Defence Position Gardestrike (can't remember why). I tried to activate Saber Slash and destroy Skill Drain, but I forgot to change Gardestrike to Attack Position first.


Also, a guy I was dueling let me Torrential Tribute his Stardust Dragon when he Synchro Summoned it.

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if any of you were wondering, here's a short conversation excerpt from a friend that shows that 60 card billy deck fuckup i made.



-I don't think it's possible to make a 60 card deck work =\


-it isnt

-i actually made the guys deck work for him

-shallow grave

-it was pretty bad

-he was actually going to try and exodia necross me

-if i didnt fill his field with 2 blue eyes, a dark magician and god knows what else


I just want you all to absorb that excerpt and understand exactly how bad this deck was.

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Me (Flamvell Destiny Heros) vs CB's last time i went to locals. my Field: Stardust, Magical Andriod and Stratos with a face down torrential tribute. his field 5 Crystals, Rainbow Ruins.


My Life: 4300

His Life: Irrelevant


His turn: He Special Summon Pegasuses from his back row and i play torrential tribute which he allows, killing my 3 monsters and his Pegasuses which he sends to the graveyard and not his back row. He then plays crystal abundance.... and i lol, because he forgot i need cards on my field for abundances OTK to work.


My Turn: play 1 rekindling and synchro like no other for game.

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Someone used Exodia pieces randomly and the 3 illegal god cards in their deck. They thought they were amazing.

.....Isnt that like MOST of the decks we get here on YCM?


i lost to a 60 card yugi-kaiba deck once. a full match too. poor flip trolls. they couldnt mill hard enough to knock off 60 in a turn.


also' date=' i lost a game once because i forgot to set a roar.


The fact that he ran 60 was the ONLY possible way he could win.


Jar/"Flip Troll" decks can easily mill 40. 60-ish is hard though :/

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I had 2 wulf and an allure in my hand, I forget my field, I had to leave soon so used the allure drew solar recharge and celestia...lost my hand and the duel..................................




Then again I deserved it, I beleive I was able to stall for a few more turns so their was no need to activate allure...

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I was dueling with my Rescue Cat deck with proxied Keymouse.

Opponent goes first. He sets a monster and a Trap.


I summon Monk, get the Cat, get Airbellum and Keymouse, synchro for Arcanite, destroy his monster and Trap, synchro for Stardust and attack directly.


His turn. He activates Fissure, negate with Stardust, D.D. Crow.


He activates Messenger of Peace and 2 Wave-Motion Cannons.

Then he asks: "Is this a Standby Phase?"



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I was dueling a Fish-Synchro deck, trhe duel lasted for more than 30 turns, it was tough, my opponent had less than 1000 LP, my deck had only 6 cards left, it was a situation that I can never win except by drawing Caius to cause 1000 damage and win. Now its my last turn, I had no hand, had only breaker on the field, who survived last turn thanx to my TT, my opponent has GORZ and the token, with 1 facedown s/t. It's my last draw, destiny draw !, it's CAIUS !, I'v got a big evil smile on my face, all the audience screamed "Finally", they were cheering and waiting for this moment all long !!, I Tributed Breaker to summon CAIUS THE SHADOW MONARCH, my opponent screamed "NOO!!", I summoned Caius, selected himself as the target for a lulzy epic win, opponent activated .. BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE !!






best fail moment in my life

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