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[Disc] Perfect Hearld

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well since we're getting incredibly technical' date=' the difference is that a heraklinos player needs more hand advantage in cards he's willing to give up. each card in hand becomes itself and a card that says discard-to-negate. you have to determine which of these two possibilities is the better choice. plus, if you end up running out your whole hand and they manage to stop heraklinos with monster effects alone, youre pretty f***ed. its a foolhardy play to just assume that more hand advantage is a victory.


that aside, it's considerably less unlikely when you tone the deck to work with herald. tethys helps immensely. with her on the field, every fairy you draw becomes that fairy plus an additional card. so its actually probable, given the proper deck build, to have more fairies in hand then they have cards.



true, after negating a few times with him you wont be able to summon, but if you have honest in hand, he's the only guy you need anyway.


like, i get that he's inferior for needing fairies, but the right deck for him should have close to 20 fairies, and tethys on the field constantly. f*** with a deck like that one good draw with tethys could +3 you. its not improbable. and the effect negation is amazing.



But the thing is, you won't have honest in hand. Because you'll have had to discard it just to keep this thing from dying.

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i totally forgot beckoning, good save guys.


@genzo, you have to be selective and you have to be careful. you dont need to knock down every card in their hand if you do it right. its like running counter fairies. you have two schools of thought. the first school is negating everything in order to create a quick lock. this is ideal, only if you can do. if you have less bullets than they, you have to be very careful and only negate things that are important.

plus, if you create a stronger lock with the djinns stopping specials and/or traps, you have even less cards to worry about.


and if you left the guy in attack mode, hold on to the honest! derp!

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They have no effects and can't Special Summon.


They won't beat over 1800 THAT much' date=' and Beckoning would give you more Honests than you need.



You need to stop assuming you'll be using Djinn Releaser of Rituals every time, or have him in your graveyard every time, or you'll mill him every time. You'll probably be using Manju and a level 2 to ritual summon him.

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They have no effects and can't Special Summon.


They won't beat over 1800 THAT much' date=' and Beckoning would give you more Honests than you need.



You need to stop assuming you'll be using Djinn Releaser of Rituals every time, or have him in your graveyard every time, or you'll mill him every time. You'll probably be using Manju and a level 2 to ritual summon him.


Sure, you won't always be able to summon it via the Djinn, but it still negates a bunch of stuff.

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