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[Disc] Perfect Hearld

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This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Herald Promise". You can send 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect and destroy it.


Personally I'm waiting for this card.



What do you guys think of the card? Has good potential.

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Epic Card is Epic.


You know, if somebody made this card in the Realistic Cards section, people would be like "OMG itz sooooooo OPed itz unfair u suk at makign cards".


You could probably make some kind of Normal/Fairy build using Heart of the Underdog to keep hand advantage.


P.S. Anyone else expected this to be a Fusion?

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works great with a tethys engine as well.

Thats what makes it epic <3


And though this card would have made more sence as a Fusion' date=' it bieng a Ritural means it can also negate Special Summons and double as a draw engine. Thus, drawing into more Fairy-Types :3



Not that anyone might care... But I had made a custom Hearld in Spore once:


It looks better when you can actually see the lights, but I'm too lazy to look for the topic in which I first posted it.

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here's a thought:

this deck, being ritual, would run with the djinns, which are dark fiends. a deck running dark fiends and light fairies might like the sky scourges. invincil is the control one yes? how would she fit here?

or norleras, for that matter. its very curious. i see so much opening up here.

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Well, something that rather hurts this card is that you must tribute/discard a total level of 6 stars in order to ritual summon it, unlike most rituals where it's just it's level or higher. Going through some of the more popular fairy cards, it's hard to find level 3 and lower fairies for people to use this with, and also consider the Djinn that stops special summoning is level 3, so you might be stuck with advance ritual art with normal monsters.


on the plus side, Manju is a fairy, so he can fit the deck theme.

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Well' date=' something that rather hurts this card is that you must tribute/discard a total level of 6 stars in order to ritual summon it, unlike most rituals where it's just it's level or higher. Going through some of the more popular fairy cards, it's hard to find level 3 and lower fairies for people to use this with, and also consider the Djinn that stops special summoning is level 3, so you might be stuck with advance ritual art with normal monsters.


on the plus side, Manju is a fairy, so he can fit the deck theme.



Have you, by chance, looked at the heralds?

Just 'saying. 1 Herald + SS-stopper + Trap-protector = 6, and you recover the Herald with the Ritual Spell's effect.

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so you're going to minus 3 yourself every time, for an 1800 attack monster (pitch 4 cards, for one, get one back to hand)? The trap Djinn would be a dead drop most of the time, and all the heralds don't have great stats, and their effects will constantly minus one you. So what would your win condition be, besides lock down? I feel like you'll dedicate to many cards for a lock down, with very few boss monsters, and draw power.

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so you're going to minus 3 yourself every time' date=' for an 1800 attack monster (pitch 4 cards, for one, get one back to hand)? The trap Djinn would be a dead drop most of the time, and all the heralds don't have great stats, and their effects will constantly minus one you. So what would your win condition be, besides lock down? I feel like you'll dedicate to many cards for a lock down, with very few boss monsters, and draw power.



I RFG 2 cards from my Graveyard (+0)

I discard 1 Herald (-1)

I lose the Ritual (-2)

I get the Herald Back (-1)

I now have a trap-immune 2800 DEF monster which prevents ALL Special Summons and can negate any effect. Not bad for a -1, IMO.


Not to mention it's a Deck which could naturally have Sky Scourges or Chaos Sorc at will, plenty of win conditions/boss monsters - and it can use Tethys or Christ easily, as amazing bosses.

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here's a thought:

this deck' date=' being ritual, would run with the djinns, which are dark fiends. a deck running dark fiends and light fairies might like the sky scourges. invincil is the control one yes? how would she fit here?

or norleras, for that matter. its very curious. i see so much opening up here.


This could work into some sort of Chaos, Sky Scoruge deck, possibly with some of the "dark fairy"s as well and the such.



Okay, here:







Chaos Goddess might seem a bit random, but Orange Light and two Level 3 Djinns or a 4 and a 2 can be used with RFTDD to bring it out with one card(and most likely at low cost mid-game), then you can use its effect on a buff Dark Fairy like Darklord Zerato.


Oh, and with Kristya and Zerato one could attempt running Trade-In…Now I feel compelled to turn this into a deck and see how it plays out.

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difficult in fairy decks.

here's what i'm seeing:

djinn no specials + marshmallon

djinn draw engine + ryko/plague

djinn no specials + djinn no traps + ryko/plague


manju/hecatrice/anylevel4really + ryko/plague

djinn no specials + djinn no specials

etc etc

not a lot of good options, tbh. it's tough to to work with.

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