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An Easy Way to Get 6 Reps.


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So, this is a card contest, a very simple one.


There will be 8 contestants, in 1 round.

You pm your card's code to me, and after 8 people have PM'ed me I will say whose card wins. Just one twist, if you post last, and have a similar effect to someone who posted first, their one will have a better chance of winning. But still, It's really That simple.


[spoiler=How I am Rating the Cards]

I am rating the cards on how useful the cards will be in a deck that revolves around getting synchros onto the field ASAP.






1. All YCM rules.






1. Sephiroth_The_Legend (card posted)

2. FusionXD (card PM'ed)

3. Luna Lovegood (PM'ed)

4. Rhyperior34 (card PM'ed)

5. BlackSkullCortez (card PM'ed)

6. Ld.Bomber (card PM'ed)

7. Frex (card PM'ed)

8. iHop (card PM'ed)


[spoiler= Cards(for people who want to see them)]


This card is also treated as a LIGHT monster. When this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for a Synchro Summon, this card can be treated as 2 monsters for the Synchro Summon. When this effect is used, this card is also treated as a non-Tuner monster. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to increase the Level of this card by 1.


Select 1 Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck. Send from your Deck to the Graveyard a Tuner Monster and any number of non-Tuner monsters listed on a Synchro Monster Card whose total Levels are equal to the Level of the selected Synchro Monster. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation, Special Summon the selected Synchro Monster from your Deck. This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon. If the Synchro Monster Special Summoned by this effect is removed from the field, destroy this card. If this card is destroyed, destroy the Special Summoned monster.



When this card is successfully summoned, Special Summon one level four or lower monster from your deck. When this card is used in the tuning of a monster, that card's Attribute becomes DARK. When the tuned monster is destroyed Special Summon this card from your graveyard.




Lore: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand or Deck. The Synchro Monster that used this card as a Synchro Material Monster gains 600 ATK. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, remove from play 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Deck. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this effect is used, Special Summon the removed from play monster. When a Level 4 or lower monster is Summoned while this card is in your Graveyard, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon this card.





Effect:Pay half your Life Points when using this effect.Choose a Synchro-monster from your Deck.When this card is Normal Summoned with no other cards on your side of the field,you can Special Summon a monster from your deck to the field in attack position depending on the total stars of the Summoned monster and this card equaling to the level of the Synchro-monster you choose.



When this card is Normal Summoned, roll a 6-sided die once. Special Summon 1 "Blackwing" monster from your Graveyard with a Level equal to the roll. If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a "Blackwing" monster, you can discard 1 card to have that monster gain 700 ATK until the End Phase.







I am just waiting for Luna's cards, after that I'll announce the winner.


So yeah, an easy way to get 6 reps.

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im in.


Here's my card.




Select 1 Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck. Send from your Deck to the Graveyard a Tuner Monster and any number of non-Tuner monsters listed on a Synchro Monster Card whose total Levels are equal to the Level of the selected Synchro Monster. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation, Special Summon the selected Synchro Monster from your Deck. This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon. If the Synchro Monster Special Summoned by this effect is removed from the field, destroy this card. If this card is destroyed, destroy the Special Summoned monster.


Enjoy :D


Im sure this is playable.

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Above: Did you even check the first post?

All the spots are taken.

I should neg you... But, I'm in a good mood.

I am going on camp tomorrow, so I'll only be able to give final judgings on Thursday.


EDIT: Luna PM'ed her card and the results are in.












*drum roll*







The winning card is................ Blackwing - Hurricane the Majestic

Made by iHop.

Well Done. You have officially won the easiest 6 reps you'll ever get.

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