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Mr.DP, I'm back..

chairman ali

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I srsly love the lighting here.


The lighting is rather fking delicous. Looks very life-like' date=' I would agree with anyone who said it was your best. Great job, and what happened in that guys thread, was me being an annoying fa[b'][/b]g at 3 a.m. Sorry for that.

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Thanks and it's no problem. I start to troll when I'm sleepy so yeah.


Lol. Yeah same. I hope we can forget that and become friends' date=' cause your really talent and I could learn alot from you. Anyway putting the corny shi[b'][/b]t aside, Something tahts been driving me crazy. What is that thing on the right, a house or a vehicle!? Its driving me insane.

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Thanks man. Been told it's my best digital painting until now.


How come I alwasy feel like saying "No sh*t sherlock" whenever Night Walkr is ina thread? And yeah' date=' I also start trolling when I'm sleepy =P



Lol. Maybe cuase I'm awesome and that phrase is awesome so yeah...


And there houses! I knew it!

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