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Reptilianne Naga

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This is the third time I've seen this card in a discussion topic within like a week or so. That's just a testament to how awesome it is.


Now I will repeat what I've said the other two times.

...During your End Phase' date=' change this face-up Defense Position card on the field to face-up Attack Position.[/i']



Play it facedown defense.








Not only is it fun to play facedown to make your opponent's beatsticks become "sticks," it also helps to bring out Vaskii really easily and can easily stay around for a turn for tribute fodder before it becomes a target on the field with its negative effect. Oddly enough, even with it's negative effect, people still avoid attacking it while it remains face up to avoid losing all attack points. And if they do, naga can attack them head on next turn with 0 attack points to destroy their 0 attack point monster and NOT get destroyed!


To avoid damage, Spirit Barrier and Book of Moon are great cards to assist. Book of Moon can be used defensively to get Naga back facedown, and Spirit Barrier makes it so YOU can do the attacking and still take no damage. Waboku is funny if they think they can at least get damage in before it becomes zero.


To abuse the damage, you can use Damage = Reptile in a reptilianne deck and attack oppoenent's monsters to start swarming the field with more reptiles, including moar Naga!


Naga is very serachable, by way of mystic tomato, reptilianne guardna, and can even be special summoned by One for One. Its allurable, re-callable via recurring nightmare and moar good stuffs.



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a friend of mine thinks that the japanese version has a different effect that makes it so that the opponent's monster becomes 0 in the middle of the attack. He also thinks that this card became useless in english because of the "change". What a funny story isn't it?

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a friend of mine thinks that the japanese version has a different effect that makes it so that the opponent's monster becomes 0 in the middle of the attack. He also thinks that this card became useless in english because of the "change". What a funny story isn't it?




The Japanese always get the good stuff.


A magazine about mangas about cute boys crossdressing into even cuter girls.


Original Art work of the YGO cards.


Better japanese RPGS.




And of course, Haruhi.


@ Topic: That would have been more playable.

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a friend of mine thinks that the japanese version has a different effect that makes it so that the opponent's monster becomes 0 in the middle of the attack. He also thinks that this card became useless in english because of the "change". What a funny story isn't it?




The Japanese always get the good stuff.


A magazine about mangas about cute boys crossdressing into even cuter girls.


Original Art work of the YGO cards.


Better japanese RPGS.




And of course' date=' Haruhi.


@ Topic: That would have been more playable.



You do know it doesn't have that effect in OCG right?


Problem with this card is unless you use Spirit Barrier your going to be taking a huge beating. Still it's good, and if Reptilianne get better so will this card.

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Quickly gets out Vaskii. Nice tribute fodder for something like Medusa or monarchs even if you so wish to splash it. Good for holding off the opponent and catching them off guard if you want to run a Savage build. It is also noteworthy that this can turn and destroy the monster that attacked it. Spirit Barrier or Damage=Reptile on the opposite side of the spectrum can combo well with this card. A good Reptilliane, shame they stopped it there.

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Reptilianne is like a melody in my deck and I can't get enough nag nag nag nag everyday of got my Naga stuck on replay' date=' replay!~


Naga is pretty pro.


=D I'm surprised this topic got revived from no where. I still love Naga tho

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