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Blackspell Alchemist ( Alchemist of Black Spells )

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I agree with Arm.


It's faster' date=' but loses Honest, which balances out.


...Actually, I noticed something about this.


ALOT of the better Spellcasters are DARK.

This one is WIND.


Thus, it allows a combination Spellcaster/Dark Simorgh.


Sir, i do believe your on to something

O. M. G.


Anyway, the problem I run into with my Spell Counter Deck (which, granted, is only a lightly modified Spellcaster's Command) is that cards that place Spell Counters (on other cards) can't receive Spell Counters. Imagine if Apprentice Magician or Disenchanter could accept Spell Counters (actually, that would probably make Disenchanter too powerful)...

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I agree with Arm.


It's faster' date=' but loses Honest, which balances out.


...Actually, I noticed something about this.


ALOT of the better Spellcasters are DARK.

This one is WIND.


Thus, it allows a combination Spellcaster/Dark Simorgh.


Sir, i do believe your on to something


That idea is almost as good as when I made that one guy at konami smart, and so he invented Batterymen for yugioh.


OnT: this card is alright. Better than what I first thought of it when I first saw it.

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If only it's effect weren't once per turn. Then you could abuse it with final attack orders' date=' like with the Lyla combo, effectively generating INFINITE spell counters, or however many you need to nuke your opponent's like points with Tempest Magician or something.



Which is probably why a card like that will never be made D:

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